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User / Gregg Obst / Sets / Guardians of the soil
2 items

N 7 B 2.7K C 1 E Jan 1, 2017 F Aug 28, 2017
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Part of a new developing series called "Guardians of the soil" which visually explores farms and farmers, the places they live and work, the tools they use and the hardships they faced and continue to face while feeding us all.

Technical details:
1950's era Brownie Hawkeye medium format film camera with flipped meniscus lens.
Kodak Tmax 400 re-spooled on 620 spools and shot at ISO 400.
Semi-stand development using Kodak HC-110 1+100 dilution for 1 hour with 30 seconds initial agitation with swizzle stick and three turns @ 30 minute mark. Paterson 3 reel tank.
Negative scanned with Epson 4990 on holders fitted with ANR glass.

Tags:   Guardians of the soil Brownie Hawkeye Flipped Lens 120 Kodak Tmax 400 HC-110 HC-110 1+100 Semi-Stand Developed 1 hour Gregg Obst 2017 #guardiansofthesoilproject

N 19 B 2.9K C 0 E Apr 30, 2017 F Oct 3, 2017
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The second photo from a new developing series called "Guardians of the soil" which visually explores farms and farmers, the places they live and work, the tools they use and the hardships they faced and continue to face while feeding us all. All photos created with a series of 1950's era Kodak Brownie Hawkeye cameras with a flipped lenses shooting film.

Technical details:
1950's era Brownie Hawkeye medium format film camera with flipped meniscus lens.
Kodak Tmax 400 re-spooled on 620 spools and shot at ISO 400.
Semi-stand development using Kodak HC-110 1+100 dilution for 1 hour with 30 seconds initial agitation with swizzle stick and three turns @ 30 minute mark. Paterson 3 reel tank.
Negative scanned with Epson 4990 on holders fitted with ANR glass.

Tags:   Guardians of the soil Brownie Hawkeye Flipped Lens 120 Kodak Tmax 400 HC-110 HC-110 1+100 Semi-Stand Developed 1 hour Gregg Obst 2017
