This was taken a few weeks back now. I was hoping a trip back down this weekend. However wind and rain may put a stop to that. Not sure if it is still around, however if so it would be interesting to see if there is a difference in its plumage. I have just shown my wife an image of this bird in full summer plumage and it is most impressive.
As you can see there wasn't much wind on this occasion :)
Once again thanks to all who view and comment on my images, much appreciated :)
Tags: Horned Slavonian Grebe Reflection Winter Plumage Transition
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Continuing with the Purple Sandpiper theme from the outing the other day.
I recently purchased the Canon R5, this is from the first outing with my new toy. A notable difference from the 7D mkii. I have it set up with the dual back button focus, ie tracking and spot focus. I did find the buttons difficult to navigate on the back of the camera. Im sure in time it will become second nature. The eye tracking is quite amazing, it did an amazing job even when birds were in a busy environment. I had it set to the faster electronic of the two shutter options, ill try mechanical next time as I feel it was a bit too fast for this situation. I came away with a large no of images.....trigger happy Gregg :)
I don't seem to be able to view the images on DPP. I would look through all the images from the 7D and quickly sort through rating then deleting etc choosing the best. I could view them on a picture viewer on the computer (I think some microsoft thing, however not much good for sorting) had to view through Lightroom, not sure as I have never tried to view and delete on there. I know when I load images on to LR, I delete them off there, however they stay on the computer. Im sure I should be able to set it up?
This image was taken on the Brigg at Filey, It was a really foggy morning so didn't get stated till 10.30, I got lucky with the Purple Sands as it was then busy with visitors. I found a rocky area just from the main path down the middle.
Tags: Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima Filey Brigg
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This was taken back in the summer on our most recent visit to Slovakia. We had use of a small canoe, what a fabulous opportunity that was. I was lucky to get a few images to take home from this time.
This is a juv Purple Heron, allowing a reasonable close approach to get this shot. It doesn't look like the current was strong, however it was a little challenging to get into position with the camera and paddles alike and always heading off down stream.
Thanks to all who view and comment on my images, much appreciated :)
Tags: Purple Heron Ardea purpurea Slovakia Danube Dunaj
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Greetings all, I am way behind on Flickr. I hope to get back on track in the coming weeks/month.
Managed a family holiday to Slovakia. I had the opportunity to set up this water pool. I only had House/Tree Sparrows and a few Great Tits visit, however, I couldn't have asked for anything more than this one.......really pleased with this shot. Due to the usual....direction of sun, background etc I would have liked a softer more distant background. This was the best I could do!!
Thanks to all who view and comment on my images, much appreciated :)
Tags: House Sparrow Reflection Feeding Fledgling
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One from the archives. This is the one that visited St Aidens.
Thanks to all who view/ comment on my images, much appreciated :)
Tags: St Aidens Slavonian Horned Reflection Grebe
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