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N 3 B 231 C 1 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 26, 2024
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The city of Geneva recently (2020) got a brand new library to replace the old building that had been around since 1908. Over 16 years ago they had commissioned me to create a replica of the old building, and this year they again asked for a model of the new one.

This was a much tougher building to capture, as architectural techniques and artistry have greatly improved in 100+ years. I started figuring out the basic layout in Adobe Illustrator, including finding the best way to do all the angles. I then used Studio to design the entire build, down to the cars and trees.

I decided to build this at a smaller scale then the old building, for both sanity and budgetary reasons, and left off the southern 1/3 of the property because it's mostly just parking lot. The scale is roughly 2/5ths Minifig scale (the old is half), so the small little trophy/figures are nearly perfect.
The flowers, less so.

Designing started in late June 2024, I gathered/ordered pieces in August and started building in early September. I was able to deliver this to the Geneva Library on Sept 20th for NILTC's latest Lego Train Show. We've been doing a show every couple of years or so at this library for nearly 20 years.

This will remain at the library and someday soon will be on permanent display.

N 1 B 168 C 0 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 26, 2024
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The city of Geneva recently (2020) got a brand new library to replace the old building that had been around since 1908. Over 16 years ago they had commissioned me to create a replica of the old building, and this year they again asked for a model of the new one.

This was a much tougher building to capture, as architectural techniques and artistry have greatly improved in 100+ years. I started figuring out the basic layout in Adobe Illustrator, including finding the best way to do all the angles. I then used Studio to design the entire build, down to the cars and trees.

I decided to build this at a smaller scale then the old building, for both sanity and budgetary reasons, and left off the southern 1/3 of the property because it's mostly just parking lot. The scale is roughly 2/5ths Minifig scale (the old is half), so the small little trophy/figures are nearly perfect.
The flowers, less so.

Designing started in late June 2024, I gathered/ordered pieces in August and started building in early September. I was able to deliver this to the Geneva Library on Sept 20th for NILTC's latest Lego Train Show. We've been doing a show every couple of years or so at this library for nearly 20 years.

This will remain at the library and someday soon will be on permanent display.

N 0 B 153 C 0 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 26, 2024
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Some of the cars are not my design - I invited members of my club to attempt to build very small (2-wide) versions of their own cars to put in the parking lot. A few are seen here, others were added at the show.

N 2 B 104 C 0 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 26, 2024
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The trees follow my new design where the leaves can actually 'shake'. I made sure to show the librarians that the trees are fairly sturdy and easy to take off/replace in order to show the kiddies.

N 1 B 36 C 0 E Sep 19, 2024 F Sep 26, 2024
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