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User / °°°¨¨¨Gwen¨¨¨°°° / Sets / Antithèses fusionnelles
18 items

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Tags:   contrast contraste silhouette monochrome tree arbre noir&blanc noiretblanc blackandwhite black&white black nuages clouds shape

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Avec la pluie comme invitée

Tags:   feu fire n&b noiretblanc noir&blanc b&w blackandwhite black&white light contrastes clairobscur

N 37 B 1.4K C 7 E Jul 11, 2023 F Jul 17, 2023
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Discover the invisible

Tags:   monochrome noiretblanc noir&blanc blackandwhite black&white gris grey lumière rayoflight eau water sansfiltres

N 72 B 2.0K C 6 E Aug 5, 2023 F Aug 17, 2023
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Before you slip into unconsciousness
I'd like to have another kiss
Another flashing chance at bliss
Another kiss, another kiss
The days are bright and filled with pain
Enclose me in your gentle rain
The time you ran was too insane
We'll meet again, we'll meet again
Oh tell me where your freedom lies
The streets are fields that never die
Deliver me from reasons why
You'd rather cry, I'd rather fly
The crystal ship is being filled
A thousand girls, a thousand thrills
A million ways to spend your time
When we get back, I'll drop a line
- The Doors -

Tags:   grotte cave pluie rain arbres trees Slovénie slovenjia noiretblanc blackandwhite brume mist monochrome

N 60 B 1.6K C 11 E Aug 4, 2023 F Sep 10, 2023
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Tags:   pont bridge reflet reflection mer sea noiretblanc blackandwhite Croatie croatia
