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User / Helene Barclay 1 / I Love Cross-dressing
Helene Barclay / 366 items
Real life has continued to be busy since my brief and very late at night impromptu cross-dressing session of a week ago. I will admit I am still on a high and thrilled that I did get dress as a woman. It always feels incredible to wear a wig, dress, heels and make-up. It liberates an aspect of my persona I can rarely set free. The bottom line is I love becoming a woman and dream of what could have been. The time to act on this was as a young single man. If I had been brave enough back then I would now be living as a woman.

I am now compressing the missed years of being female into short bouts of cross-dressing. This is why I still have a tendency to dress in shorter dresses and skirts and wear high heels to match those outfits. I am now fifty four years of age and should be approaching my cross-dressing with a more mature outlook. This does not mean I have to be dull and dowdy, I think I can enjoy elegant stylish female clothing that suits a woman of my age. I cannot quite escape my 'mutton dressed as lamb' period as I do get a thrill from appearing in an outfit such as I chose in this picture.

Before any advice is offered that I should transition and be true to myself let me clearly state this is no longer something I wish to do. I have a life now that I enjoy. Sharing my life with my wife means far more to me than my inner desire to be a woman. Throughout life one is faced with choices that involve compromise. For me the compromise was good decision. Becoming an occasional transvestite provides an outlet for me to express my female self. I feel fortunate I can do this.

I had a lot of fun being my female alter-ego despite the lateness of the hour last Saturday. I felt euphoric and genuinely excited to pose for the camera as Helene. This is actually a still frame lifted from a video I was recording. I hope to post the video in the near future.

  • Views: 432365
  • Comments: 26
  • Favorites: 85
  • Taken: Jul 20, 2013
  • Uploaded: Jul 28, 2013
  • Updated: Mar 24, 2020