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User / helenehoffman / Sets / SD Zoo Safari Park, 2016
Helene Hoffman / 142 items

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"Addison" a female cheetah and mother to 6 cubs born on November 21, 2015. This is the largest litter ever delivered at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park's Cheetah Breeding Center. Four cubs are female and two are male. The San Diego Zoo Safari Park is one of nine facilities in the Cheetah Breeding Center coalition. There are only 10,000 cheetahs left (with 10% in captive programs). Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Tags:   Africa mammal baby San Diego Zoo Cheetah Safari Park animal wildlife Conservation Status: Vulnerable babies Acinonyx jubatus feline big cat carnivore felidae Nature cubs

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Shoebill (stork), Balaeniceps rex, at San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Conservation Status: Vulnerable

Tags:   Africa wildlife whalehead San Diego Zoo Safari Park Bird San Diego Zoo stork animal shoebill Nature swamp shoe-billed

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Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): Baby "Leslie" born 10/19/16 and mother "Kokamo" at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Tags:   Africa mother Mom Gorilla primate San Diego Zoo Safari Park baby Kokamo Leslie Conservation status: Critically Endangered animal ape Gorilla gorilla gorilla Western Lowland

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Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla): Baby "Leslie" born 10/19/16 and mother "Kokamo" at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park. Conservation Status: Critically Endangered

Tags:   Africa mother Mom Gorilla primate San Diego Zoo Safari Park baby Kokamo Leslie Conservation status: Critically Endangered animal ape Gorilla gorilla gorilla Western Lowland

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