Make: | Apple |
Model: | iPhone 5s |
Exposure: | 0.003 sec (1/302) |
Aperture: | f/2.2 |
ISO Speed: | 32 |
Focal Length: | 4.2 mm |
JFIFVersion: | 1.02 |
Resolution Unit: | None |
X-Resolution: | 72 |
Y-Resolution: | 72 |
Make: | Apple |
Model: | iPhone 5s |
Resolution Unit: | inches |
Software: | 9.3.3 |
Date and Time (Modified): | 2016:07:30 13:15:17 |
YCbCr Positioning: | Centered |
Exposure: | 0.003 sec (1/302) |
Aperture: | f/2.2 |
Exposure Program: | Program AE |
ISO Speed: | 32 |
Exif Version: | 0221 |
Date and Time (Original): | 2016:07:30 13:15:17 |
Date and Time (Digitized): | 2016:07:30 13:15:17 |
Components Configuration: | Y, Cb, Cr, - |
Brightness Value: | 7.824404762 |
Exposure Bias: | 0 EV |
Metering Mode: | Multi-segment |
Flash: | Auto, Did not fire |
Focal Length: | 4.2 mm |
Subject Area: | 619 1109 365 364 |
Sub Sec Time Original: | 051 |
Sub Sec Time Digitized: | 051 |
Flashpix Version: | 0100 |
Color Space: | sRGB |
Sensing Method: | One-chip color area |
Scene Type: | Directly photographed |
Exposure Mode: | Auto |
White Balance: | Auto |
Focal Length (35mm format): | 29 mm |
Scene Capture Type: | Standard |
Lens Info: | 4.15mm f/2.2 |
Lens Make: | Apple |
Lens Model: | iPhone 5s back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 |
GPS Version ID: | |
GPS Latitude Ref: | North |
GPS Latitude: | 53 deg 48' 57.19" N |
GPS Longitude Ref: | West |
GPS Longitude: | 3 deg 3' 18.82" W |
GPS Altitude Ref: | Above Sea Level |
GPS Altitude: | 149.466443 m |
GPS Time Stamp: | 12:15:16 |
GPS Speed Ref: | km/h |
GPS Speed: | 0.35 |
GPS Img Direction Ref: | True North |
GPS Img Direction: | 169.4127907 |
GPS Dest Bearing Ref: | True North |
GPS Dest Bearing: | 169.4127907 |
GPS Date Stamp: | 2016:07:30 |
GPS HPositioning Error: | 30 m |
IPTCDigest: | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e |
XMPToolkit: | XMP Core 5.4.0 |
Regions Applied To Dimensions H: | 2448 |
Regions Applied To Dimensions Unit: | pixel |
Regions Applied To Dimensions W: | 3264 |
Regions Region List Area H: | 0.145833 |
Regions Region List Area Unit: | normalized |
Regions Region List Area W: | 0.109375 |
Regions Region List Area X: | 0.188879 |
Regions Region List Area Y: | 0.452002 |
Regions Region List Extensions Angle Info Roll: | 270 |
Regions Region List Extensions Angle Info Yaw: | 0 |
Regions Region List Extensions Confidence Level: | 260 |
Regions Region List Extensions Face ID: | 6 |
Regions Region List Extensions Time Stamp: | 2147483647 |
Regions Region List Type: | Face |
Creator Tool: | 9.3.3 |