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User / iamaprice(Amanda) / Sets / Boy Rogers
Amanda Price / 35 items

N 3 B 677 C 5 E Sep 16, 2006 F Jul 29, 2008
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From the archives: one of my favs of my two oldest kids. That was such a fun morning. We got soaking wet in all of that tall grass. I miss their cheeks, the park we went to almost every day, and the depth of my black and whites. I've gotten lazy in my editing.

eta: I didn't add texture to this.

N 2 B 873 C 4 E Aug 5, 2008 F Aug 5, 2008
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sooc -ISO 1600 monochrome for SBYW.

My five year old son lost his first tooth this afternoon. I was in the middle of giving the baby a sponge bath (he's still in casts) when Joshy figured out what makes teeth fall out.
"There's this thing inside of your mouth that just holds onto your teeth until a big grown-up MAN tooth bumps it's head. That's how the thing knows it's time to let go."

I glanced up at him to let him know I was listening and saw it hanging there so I grabbed the camera. While I was taking a couple of shots, Addie seized the day and took over the bathing for me. She bathed her head, my nightstand, my bed, the floor, and the baby's swing. She is so helpful like that.

N 2 B 739 C 6 E Jul 31, 2008 F Aug 6, 2008
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My kids play beneath it almost every day. Here they are with their cousin. Watching them reminds me of 'Rainbow Valley' by Lucy Maud Montgomery.

Addie is on the phone of course. It's really a rock, but it gets great reception.
"Hi! Ok. Bye! *kiss*"

N 1 B 792 C 8 E Aug 7, 2008 F Aug 7, 2008
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"If you be bossy to me, I'll have to buck you off."

sooc - ISO 3200 monochrome. My comforter makes a great reflector early in the morning, no? :)

My stream is being taken over by snapshots. This is a good thing for me. I put 3 years into becoming a pro and let the everyday stuff slide. I've missed so many moments like this one. Just my kids being kids.

N 6 B 704 C 7 E Aug 9, 2008 F Aug 9, 2008
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Boy Rogers got a new hat from his friend Johnny. He swims in it.

ISO - 1600 monochrome
I may never go back to shooting normally. :)
