Title: Even superheroes get a little maudlin after a few drinks
Media: Plaster head and hand, spraypaint, ink and marker pen
This may well make it's way onto the street but we were just getting an initial idea of how we would want it set up before we try to come up with a location
Tags: idiom brixton london graffiti vandalism england urban head cast cool plaster face art grass bottle drink superhero cry tears
Title: Even superheroes get a little maudlin after a few drinks
Media: Plaster head and hand, spraypaint, ink and marker pen
This may well make it's way onto the street but we were just getting an initial idea of how we would want it set up before we try to come up with a location
Tags: idiom brixton london graffiti vandalism england urban head cast cool plaster face art grass bottle drink superhero cry tears
PIctures from when i got my head cast. We eventually used the head (and hands) we cast for a piece called 'Even superheroes get maudlin after a few drinks' - which is towards the start of our photostream.
Tags: idiom brixton london graffiti vandalism england urban head cast cool plaster face art grass bottle drink superhero cry tears
PIctures from when i got my head cast. We eventually used the head (and hands) we cast for a piece called 'Even superheroes get maudlin after a few drinks' - which is towards the start of our photostream.
Tags: idiom brixton london graffiti vandalism england urban head cast cool plaster face art grass bottle drink superhero cry tears
PIctures from when i got my head cast. We eventually used the head (and hands) we cast for a piece called 'Even superheroes get maudlin after a few drinks' - which is towards the start of our photostream.
Tags: idiom brixton london graffiti vandalism england urban head cast cool plaster face art grass bottle drink superhero cry tears