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User / images@twiston / 365/365 Journey beyond the gate
images@twiston / 947 items
My final 365 Project image

Journey beyond the gate - As Pendle Hill is stroked by passing sunlight spilling though the early morning clouds, it feels very much that as one gate closes another opens and my photographic journey is about to enter a new phase.

Firstly a massive "Thank You" to all my Flickr friends who've taken interest in my work and the time to view, fave, comment and provide much welcome feedback on my year of imagery. You've provided me with enormous motivation over the past 12 months and I could not have achieved this without your support and encouragement.

I embarked on this project not really expecting where the journey would take me and where I'd end up; I've a great sense of achievement in the stream of 366 daily images I've been able to capture and share with you. Undoubtedly it has been one of the more demanding, yet rewarding, undertakings I've attempted, enabling me to develop skills and nudge the bar ever higher in such a way that I've learnt as much about myself as I have about the technical elements of the project.

As for the future, I'm still going to be around and am presently working out how best to utilise my time with this addictive creative passion that I have - so please stay tuned!

Thank you
  • Views: 28045
  • Comments: 72
  • Favorites: 653
  • Taken: Apr 15, 2016
  • Uploaded: Apr 22, 2016
  • Updated: Aug 19, 2024