Some of my favourite colours in the world
Beat against my eyelids with the blues of green hummingbirds
Some of my favourite colours in the world
Beat against my eyelids with the reds of pink hummingbirds
-Venus Hum
This is a flickr first for me....wildlife (well if you don't count yesterdays bug). I came across this bird coming into work. I saw it on the ground and just assumed it was stunned. I came back few minutes later and noticed it was still on the ground. So I picked it up. Upon closer inspection I noticed something lodged in it's eye (wood or something). So really carefully pulled on it..but it wasnt budging. The thought crossed my mind that I was trying to pull out its dislodged eyeball. So I looked closer and I was pretty sure it wasn't (an eyeball). So I carefully yanked it out. As soon as I did the bird perked up, so I set him down for a photoshoot. Then we put him in a safe location. Several minutes later we found that he/she has flown away. So when people ask what I do..I reply "I save birds".
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