Last week I hit the road for PlainJoe Studios to hit up some projects we did. One out in Michigan and one in Indiana. We ended our trip in Chicago. I was able to visit my friend Ken (kenrosz) who I met here on flickr many years ago. This is a 3 shot pano.
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Tags: nikon d800 nikkor 14mm 14-24mm wide ultra pano chicago chitown michigan ave sears tower building magnificent mile tilt shift faux isayx3 plainjoestudios
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Nothing too exciting today. Was in the airport most the day. Arrived in Beijing this evening. Was able to get high up to get this shot. As big as this city is, their buildings are not as high as you would think. Heading into the center tomorrow.
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Tags: NIKON D800 sigma 14mm f2.8 2.8 beijing faux tilt shift tones cars city mini wide angle super hong kong bladerunner isayx3 china trip project travel
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From a trip I took couple weeks back with the family. I thought this image captured the feel of a southen california summer afternoon. The pier itself started at as 2 seperate peirs build in the early 1900's. Around the 1920 the Ferris Wheel was added. It definetly has that nastalgic feeling of the early boardwalks on the east coast.
I've been itching to shoot some portraits. Seems like forever since I did one. If anyone has a shoot in my area let me know if they don't mind me tagging a long.
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Tags: nikon d3 nikkor 35mm f2 santa monica beach peir boardwalk amusement rollercoaster biking trail sand pacific ocean ferris wheel sun summer 2011 tones perspective isayx3 plainjoe studios pacific park tilt shift
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