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User / J.Hunter Photography / Sets / Top 21 of 2021
Jamin Hunter Taylor / 21 items

N 90 B 1.6K C 6 E Jul 3, 2021 F Sep 11, 2021
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A good friend and I were up in the mountains looking for Collared Pika, Hoary Marmot, and alpine birds when we came across this Red Fox that was unafraid of us. We had never seen a fox up in that area before so it was a rare treat. This was such a great experience getting to observe and photograph this beautiful fox as it searched the mountainside for food.

N 14 B 893 C 1 E Aug 23, 2021 F Sep 13, 2021
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The pink Salmon were so thick at the hatchery in Valdez that they swarmed in the water. I decided to try something different and dropped my ISO to the minimum, and my aperture to f22 so I could slow my shutter down as slow as possible. I wanted to capture the chaos in the water as these fish jockeyed for position in the water to make it up the creek to finish their life cycle and reproduce. I'm often thinking "what can I do different" when I'm in the field and this time, I went for something way different for this one, but I really like the end result.

N 13 B 888 C 1 E Sep 7, 2021 F Sep 7, 2021
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I was with my son on a several day trip to Denali National Park to photograph Bull Moose in early September. On the drive home I saw this beautiful pond on the side of the road with something swimming in it. I pulled over to see and was pleasantly surprised to find it was a beaver. My son and I got out to get a better look and was surprised to find that the beavers had created a dam right near the road which allowed water level photography by simply squatting down at the edge of the dam. The fall colors were absolutely gorgeous as they reflected in the water. When these two critters swan across each other I knew this would be a favorite photo and a cherished memory with my son.

N 11 B 1.2K C 0 E Oct 22, 2021 F Oct 26, 2021
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My wife and I took a trip to Nashville Tennessee for a family reunion. We stayed at a nice little Air B&B that had a wonderful backyard. The first morning I got up at sunrise and slipped out the back door to see about the local birds. I was delighted that a pair of Carolina Wrens were active in the soft morning light. I photographed this bird as it perched on this old fence with the vegetation providing a nice frame to the scene.

N 17 B 908 C 6 E Nov 24, 2021 F Nov 24, 2021
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A good friend and I were out looking for Dall Sheep during the sheep rut in late November. We were standing on a high overlook watching for sheep on the hills below and also the cliffs above. When out of nowhere an eagle cruised between us and the mountainside. At first glance it looked like a young Bald Eagle which frequent the area. But when I saw the white patches under the wings I knew it was a Golden Eagle. Usually Golden Eagles migrate by the end of September to mid October here in Alaska but this one was here now and what a surprise! It circled back as the snow fell in ever increasing intensity and I was able to get a photo as it flew around the mountain terrain above.
