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User / DocJ96 / Sets
Ian Jacobs / 194 items

Lock screen wallpaper
4 photos

2 photos

1 photo

10 photos
Collections of pleasing images as stamp collections without a pretense of identifications.

Spore prints (Fungi and slime moulds)
20 photos

13 photos
The secretion of excess liquid from plants, fungi and slime moulds.

Alien landscapes
32 photos
Landscapes in the macro range, literally on our doorstep, that are somewhat unbelievable.

Cyanobacterial blooms
15 photos
Cyanobacteria photosynthesize, (they make there own sugars and produce oxygen gas as a byproduct). They predate the plants and higher life forms on earth. They have had in excess of 3000 million...

9 photos

Constructions in cross view 3D
58 photos

75 photos

15 photos

Dinosaur models
25 photos

Stephanid wasps
7 photos
An ancient order with many species described from single specimens.

Thailand arthropods (Not insects)
29 photos
A selection of more interesting subjects.

Mole crickets and relatives
9 photos

Mushrooms and other fungi: Cross view 3D
282 photos

Rust fungi
16 photos

Slugs and land snails
40 photos

Desktop phone wallpapers
8 photos
Bland almost uniform images which icons can be found.

Lockscreen phone wallpapers
348 photos
Formatted so the the date and time appear in a dark clear space upper left.

Derbidae (long winged plant hoppers
23 photos

55 photos

Plume moths
14 photos

Monocot flowers
71 photos
Iris, grass (including corn and rice), lilies, orchids, gingers and bromeliads have long leaves with straight veins and are monocots. Many monocots have three and sixfold symmetry in there flowers....

Mammatus cloud
23 photos

Mangroves and turbid water
26 photos

83 photos
Accidental, quirky or contrived: a random collection of faces of a sort for mobile phone wallpaper.

19 photos

25 photos

Fungal phone wallpapers
207 photos
Fungi are neglected subject. This album in time might go some small way in correcting that.

Slime moulds
128 photos
Single celled organisms that live in soil (or in water as amoeboflagellates) ingesting bacteria: not fungi that digest lignin and hemicellulose externally and grow as mycelium in dead or living wood:...

Broad headed bugs: Alydidae
13 photos

Video clips
25 videos

DOF: limited depth or field
46 photos
A selection of macro images that owe their intensity, clarity and isolation of the subject to the deliberate employment of limited depth of field.

Distrails, Canal clouds and Hole Punch clouds
47 photos
As the name suggests the opposite of a contrail - a gap in clouds initiated by the passage of a plane. Distrails often fill in with ice cloud and often decay with a line of scolloped edges and...

21 photos
A unusual cloud formation named from the Latin "full of hollows). May occur at any height assocated with the evaporation of an existing cloud layer. For more see...

Monochrome images
110 photos
Traditional bloc ack and white images and images with one dominant color in many shades and white.

Anvil clouds at all levels.
90 photos

Leading lines
18 photos

Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles)
58 photos
A selection representative of the many genera of leaf beetles in the local area (Pathum Thani: Thailand). Includes a small selection of leaf weevils that do similar leaf damage.

Plumed Cockscomb
85 photos
Attracts a range of nectar feeders.

Cirrus clouds
211 photos
The most spectacular of all the recognised cloud forms. Ice, water, or both, natural or man made, stable over days or changing by the minute I find these clouds fascinating, not least because they...

41 photos
Cloud initiated by condensation on smoke particles.

Entish trees
29 photos

86 photos

30 photos

Lines and sequences
31 photos

83 photos
Each of these images (excluding the cover) is a diptych with a purpose: an exercise in recreational mathematics.

Orange phone wallpapers
81 photos

Complimentary colours - a visual curiosity
8 photos

A set of sets
18 photos

Predatory bugs ...
44 photos
... excluding Assassin bugs that have an album to themselves.

Tortoise beetles
74 photos
What I like to call Turtle beetles.

30 photos

1 photo, 7 videos

Scoliid wasps
56 photos

Textured phone wallpapers
98 photos

Oil rendering
78 photos

11 photos

Sun circles and scattering
17 photos

40 photos

47 photos

Fruit flies
75 photos

Syrphidae (hover flies)
49 photos

Physics phone wallpapers
84 photos
Images formatted for a phone slideshow that involve some aspect of refraction, reflection, motion or curious happenings that in my mind belong in that collection of connections known as physics.

Ephydridae (Shore flies)
19 photos

Long legged flies
74 photos
In two and 3 D - many are common and some species are difficult o identify with variations confined to genitalia but they are worth a look al by themselves.

6 photos

Contrail Atlas
29 photos

Mirror line mobile phone wallpapers (Rogues...
484 photos
Mirror-line images derived from garbage, tree bark, builders rubble and anything else of no appeal or value of any kind.

Stratiomyidae (Soldier flies)
88 photos

Misc. phone wallpapers
2032 photos
Images formatted for a mobile phone

Skies: phone wallpapers
195 photos
Clouds, halos and unusual skies.

103 photos

Miscellaneous shells and live mollusks
38 photos

19 photos

35 photos

Sexual dimorphism
19 photos
The spiders are the obvious subject for this album but they are not insects and I have very few mating pairs. Some small flies, some wasps, web-spinners, moths and even thrips have sexes that are...

Salticidae (Jumping spiders)
275 photos

Oxyopidae (Lynx spiders)
68 photos

39 photos

68 photos
Called speed bugs, milk weed bugs and ground bugs. There are some 16 families and more than 4,600 described species in Lygaeoidea, found worldwide. Most feed on seeds or sap, but a few (including...

Crab spiders
69 photos

Mealy bugs, whitefly and scale insects
82 photos

Rove beetles (Staphylinidae)
33 photos

Neither mites nor spiders
38 photos
Centipedes, Millipedes, Harvestmen and Pseudo Scorpions.

Shield bugs (Pentatomidae)
87 photos

46 photos

Small flies
135 photos
Around 2 mm and less in length.

Pirate bugs (Anthocoridae)
17 photos
Minute true bugs that feed on Thrips

Membracidae (Tree hoppers)
73 photos

Drain flies
13 photos

Stone and Cadis flies
5 photos

Thrips (Thysanoptera)
96 photos

15 photos
Embioptera: in an order all by themselves. I lived in Bangkok and environs for almost 25 years before I saw one. I'd never heard of them until some months ago and then assumed that they must be...

Parasitioid (host killing) wasps
197 photos

23 photos

48 photos

Fulgoroidea: plant hoppers
105 photos

Out of frame
10 photos

12 photos
Images distorted so that they are in correct (3D) perspective from only one angled vantage point.

119 photos

Bag worms
32 photos

Misc. Nymphs
317 photos

14 photos
In the Lygaeoidea - the so called stilt bugs or thread legged bugs.

34 photos

Assassin bugs
61 photos

Alticini: Flea beetles
28 photos

Long horn beetles
58 photos

Psocoptera (Barklice and Booklice)
39 photos

Cicadellidae: leaf hoppers
124 photos

Gnats midges and mosquitoes
144 photos

Insect orders
29 photos

Tingidae (lace bugs)
61 photos
Selected images to illustrate the range of local species I have seen (to date).

9 photos

126 photos

Diptychs and Triptychs
83 photos
Multiple side by side images.

Predator and prey
135 photos

34 photos

32 photos

Shadow play
61 photos

103 photos

137 photos

18 photos

Crepuscular rays and shadows
171 photos
Crepuscular (twilight) rays are shadows cast in sunlight by clouds or distant mountains. They sometimes (just on sunset) extend over the entire sky on great circles and converge to the anti-solar...

Pileus: cap and lenticular clouds
158 photos
Skull cap clouds (from the Latin) are rare in many locations but less so in tropical Thaiiand during the wet season (May-September). Water laden air near the saturation point rises as a wind layer...

Parallel view stereo pairs
31 photos

Composite images
14 photos

79 photos

83 photos, 1 video

82 photos
A place to free the mind.

National Park
2 photos

41 photos
Cut to black background.

Mirrors 3D
9 photos

Retro: black and white
40 photos

Desktop images
41 photos

Optics: rainbows, ice and diffraction halos
196 photos

Anticrepuscular rays and all sky shadows
30 photos
Shadows across the sky on great circles. Displays happen several evenings a year here. The trick is looking at the right time with camera in hand: that is the few minutes before and after sunset.

Texture in 3D
35 photos
Texture is often lost in 2D images.

175 photos

Eyespots and false snake heads
64 photos

106 photos
Temples and temple gardens, monks and temple sculptures.

Hymenoptera: bees
120 photos

6 photos

33 photos
Pre-readers that each contain only a few words with a high density of meaning supported by illustrations. The sets are designed to teach phonics (decoding for sound) with rhyming decodable words and...

Art for or by a child
104 photos
Drawings and constructions.

123 photos
Contrails in a variety of forms. Engine exhaust trails at altitude and aerodynamic (wing) trails by decompression at lower altitude showing iridescence. Shadows. Wingtip trails at very low and at...

NZ Shells 2 and 3D
40 photos
Small shells from New Zealand, mostly from Russell, Bay of Islands.

Mating insects
209 photos

Faces in places
278 photos
Flights of fancy.

95 photos
Grasshoppers, Katydids, crickets, bush crickets, mole crickets.

118 photos

Fungi ...
799 photos, 1 video
.. including moulds (that are fungi) and excluding slime moulds that are not.

Other insects in 2 and 3D
33 photos

Flowers plants 3D
571 photos
Cultivars, tiny wild flowers seldom noticed and occasional berries and seed heads.

128 photos
Mono images and stereo pairs that break the camouflage. It will take some time to collect the set.

160 photos
Common examples (mostly from Pathum Thani). Mono and 3Dimages.

Hymenoptera 3D
98 photos

52 photos
Village birds and occasional finds.

Ant and other mimics
131 photos

Molecular models
56 photos

Bark in 3D ...
29 photos
... and things on bark.

133 photos
Plants and animals make things - usually one particular thing - which aids their survival. Shells, nests, trash lines and egg cases. A personal selection of objects of contemplation that have...

Nymphs and caterpillars 3D
128 photos

"Paintings" posters and cards
149 photos
Enhanced and manipulated images. Many best viewed from a distance.

NSM: Thailand
25 photos
An iconic structure: the National Science Museum in Pathum Thani as you will never see it.

Stereoscopic frames
997 photos
A collection of frames. The object of framing is to avoid window violation, to compliment the subject and to add to the illusion of depth. A random selection of cut out frames, angled frames,...

1 photo

Hemiptera 3D Bugs
253 photos
A vast and varied family.

Coleoptera 3D Beetles
205 photos

Cross view
472 photos, 1 video
A collection of stereo- and hyper-stereo pairs showing effects that are impossible in 2D.

Dragonflies and damsels 3D
30 photos
Dragonflies and damsels.

Lepidoptera 3D (Moths)
181 photos

Diptera 3D (Flies)
285 photos
Flies - shooting cha-cha with a hand held camera - not always easy.

Aracnids 3D (Spiders)
180 photos
Shooting cha-cha with a hand held camera. The Salticidae (jumping spiders) are a challenge.

Symmetry of flowers in 2 and 3D
70 photos
A small selection.

Cloud atlas
111 photos
All examples are from Thailand: most from the Pathum Thani area just north of Bangkok.

Diptera: flies
796 photos, 1 video
Two wings: most with halteres visible. Robber flies, fruit flies, soldier flies, mosquitoes and midges.

Hemiptera: bugs
534 photos
80000+ species world wide and counting: cicadas, aphids, shield bugs, assassin bugs and hoppers.

Beetles: Coleoptera +
484 photos
A selection of beetles from Thailand.

Lepidoptera: moths
276 photos, 1 video
The moths are more ancient and more varied than their more recent cousins,the butterflies. Look for tapered antennae without terminal knobs.

Hymenoptera: wasps
290 photos
Some are social insects, but the vast majority are solitary. Many wasps are parasitoids. The smaller species (down to 1 mm or a little smaller) lay their eggs with the eggs of other insects.

Spiders and other things
484 photos
Spiders, centipedes, millipedes, scorpions, ticks, mites and other scary stuff.

189 photos
Young stuff.

Dragonflies and damsels
56 photos

Orthoptera (grasshoppers etc.)
157 photos
Grasshoppers, crickets, tree crickets, katydids, pygmy crickets, mole crickets, pygmy mole crickets and relatives.

Neuroptera: Lacewings and relatives
29 photos
Seldom seen as adults because of their short lives (a couple of days).

Misc. animals
184 photos
Occasional stumblngs over.

Thailand insects (live subjects)
102 photos
A selection of personal favourites.

475 photos
In one sense all mono images and stereo pairs are manipulations - illusions of reality - but the images here have been taken one step further with reflection and/or extreme contrast enhancement. They...

Sky maps
73 photos
Manipulated single images with a different view of the planet. The eye is better able to interpret the brightness of the sky towards the sun. Many are derived from original images from a balcony over...

576 photos
Sunsise: sunset: rays and shadows: contrails: halos: diffraction and spectacular clouds. Celebrating the skies of the Kingdom of Thailand.

It's physics folks
321 photos, 15 videos
Refraction in ice crystals, reflection, diffraction, interference, scattering and polarisation, along with waves, moments, inertia, momentum and other things physical.