Cercopidae: Cosmoscarta sp. A sap sucking Frog hopper that sits vertically on stems and flies strongly if disturbed.
Tags: Froghopper orange bug Cosmoscarta Cercopidae
Water Boatman in the family Notonectidae. Found on a car roof in the early morning. It flies quite strongly.
Tags: Water Boatman Notonectidae boatman
Flatidae. Often called a moth hopper because it flies strongly in a flurry of white every bit like a moth.
Tags: Flatidae Lawana imitata moth hopper
Flatidae. Wonderful mimicry even to the bleaching of the tips. Go here for a stereo pair ... www.flickr.com/photos/jacobs_ian/10080931854/in/photostream
Flatidae. Not white but the palest blue/green.