Asemonea tenuipes (male). sometimes called a tailed jumper, found from India to Thailand. Apparent length head/body 6 mm. An active jumping spider with a quite atypical appearance. Seen only twice so far, during the day in two locations in the Pathum Thani area at the very end of the dry season. One wonders whether shortage of prey might be the reason for finding it at this time.
A cha-cha of this very active 9 mm ant mimic is a matter of luck.
Tags: Myrmarachne cross view 3D ant mimic spider salticidae macro3D stereo pair
Tiny 3.5 mm eight-eyed jumping spider modified by evolution over millennia to resemble an ant. Note the two central front eyes that match the head colour and the black patches surrounding the posterior eyes, to better mimic ant eyes. Probably Myrmarachnae plataleoides (female) late instar. The front legs are held clear of the leaf, close to the head, and waved to mimic antennae. Spiders have paps (here held under the eyes to mimic ant mandibles) - but they have no antennae.
Tags: Myrmarachne plataleoides female spider ant mimic salticid jumping spider macro3D stereo pair crossed pair
Count the legs and the eyes - This is a jumping spider - Salticidae. It mimics the solitary black ants seen frequently on the same leaves.
Tags: Salticidae ant mimic Myrmarachne macro3D stereo pair cross view jumping spider
Salticidae: Myrmarachne maxillosa (male) The largest and most impressive of the ant mimicing jumping spiders I have found to date. It mimics a common large spined ant. Note the imitation of two typical spines in the surface pattern on the abdomen.
To view in 3D cross your eyes so that you are seeing three blurred images in a line. Pay attention to the middle image and wait for your brain to refocus your eyes on the monitor. When that happens you will have locked on to the 3D image.
Tags: Salticidae Myrmarachne ant mimic ant mimic spider jumping spider 3D cross view stereo pair maxillosa male