An aerodynamic con trail envelopes the plane behind the wings and shows colour due to iridescence. The plane was less that 10 degrees from the sun. I regret not having had the Fuji I used for some time with a x70 zoom.
Tags: aerodynamic con trail wing trails iridescent iridescence
For the first time I have a sequence of planes approaching and passing the sun at different angular separations. The iridescence is (as here) brightest at some 15-20 degrees from the sun. At three degrees there is little or no colour. The common statement "within 20 degrees of the sun" is misleading.
An aerodynamic trail thirty degrees from the sun (above lower cloud) has developed colours due to iridescence.
Enhanced image showing iridescence near the plane.
Note the faint iridescent bands: unusual with the low early morning sun 70-80 degrees from the plane that was passing overhead. The iridescence is perhaps due to scattered sky light not direct sunlight. Note also the onset of turbulent streams that do not align with the engines as the trail ages. This trail is apparently completely aerodynamic in origin.
Tags: aerodynamic contrail wing trail decompression trail contrail rainbow contrail inidescence
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