First sighting in my garden. This one shaken out of a leafy green plant. Compare with illustration number 6 in this compilation of species from China that is listed as Habrothrips curiosus: Ananthakrishnan, 1968: 138.
Described from Madras, India from twigs of Morus alba, known also from Malaysia and Australia. Fungus-feeding in litter.
A predatory Thrips with pantropical distribution of females only. Franklinothrips vespiformis. The partly transparent section creates the illusion of a narrow waist. See ...
Tags: Franklinothrips vespiformis Thailand
The fast running predatory Franklinothrips vespiformis is native to South America but now has a pantropical distribution of females, including Thailand. A map is included in this article ...
The coloration of the abdomen enhances the ant mimicry.
cf. Banana silvering thrips: Hercinothrips bicinctus. Engorged on honeydew - found on Frangipani. There are honey ants that blow up the abdomen to an enormous glassy ball with honeydew but I am surprised to see a thrips with the same adaptation.
Note the unusually fat legs. This may be another species ir it may be the soldier form of a social thrips species.