Here is the sunrise with low fog in Livermore valley taken on 12/9/2018. The image is merged from 15 vertical shots, with 20000PXx7500PX at the size of 6.9G.
This sunrise burn and low fog were predicted by Yiupai Sunrise/Sunset Forecast Service.
Please click to see in "Large"
Tags: Low Fog Sunrise Tri-Valley Livermore Burn Bay Area East Bay panorama Jayhuangphotography High_Resolution_Mural
We decided to leave the best sunset burn of our fall-color trip in this glorious fall-colors scene in Eastern Sierra Area. The image is merged from 14 images taken in my Nikon D810 at 50 mm lens.
This sunset Burn was predicted by Yiupai Sunrise/Sunset Forecast Service.
Have a nice weekend!
Tags: Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Conway Summit Sunset Burn California Jayhuangphotography Yiupai Trees Layers Mountains
San Frncisco Skyline from Oakland Pier.
The image is merged from 7 vertical shoots with 280mm lens with 14200 PX x6200 PX at the size of 5.05G.
Happy New Year!
Tags: Pyramid Building Transamerica Pyramid Beacon Beacon Mini-Star Holiday SAN FRANCISCO Skyline Downtown Bay Bridge Bay Area California Reflections Sunset Blue Hour Jayhuangphotography Yiupai
East Bay hills are gradually turning green now.
Here is sunrise take with low fog in Livermore valley on 1/13/2019. The image is merged from 9 vertical shots, with 17821 PXx6538 PX at the size of 3.5 G.
This sunrise burn and low fog were predicted by Yiupai Sunrise/Sunset Forecast Service.
Tags: Low Fog Tri-Valley Spring Time Sunrise Livermore Pleasanton Windmill Jayhuangphotography High_Resolution_Mural
The East Bay hills is getting green now after rains and storms. Here is a blue hour take with low fog in Livermore valley on 1/19/2019.
The image is merged from 3 horizontal shots, with 11470 PX x3823 PX at the size of 1.34G.
Tags: High Resolution Mural East Bay Los Vqueros Reservoir Los Vaqueros Morgan Territory Livermore Tri-Valley Bay Area Low Fog Long Exposure Blue Hour Sunrise Jayhuangphotography Windmills Wind Tube Lightstar