Sharonville are of Cincinnati, Ohio. OK. This will be the last car post at least until the next show.
Having owned several old bugs, I found this one very close to my heart. The business end of this mutt is purely frightening what with the turbo charger and all. Back in the day, we had a Porsche engine that we swapped between a few bugs and a micro bus. The bus was geared so low that you could almost pop wheelies with it and the hole shots were impressive. The problem was that you had to shift almost before you got going. I tend to think that this thing would blow away any of our Porsche engined ones.
The main body is from an old small back window model, but who can tell the vintage of most of the other parts? The interchangeability of parts was one of the nice things about beetles. It also created a problem with theft as parts from one could be used on many other years. One of my cars was stolen a couple of times, but I was lucky. The thief worked the second shift and only used it for a ride home.
Note that he has drilled out the initials "VW" in the hood and fabricated the visor out of some cheap hardware cloth. The size of the headlights is imposing, while the air conditioning is basic. For those of you too young to remember, the big tube hanging out of the side window is an early air conditioner that worked (and I use that term loosely) by putting ice into it and then channeling the air over the ice and into the cabin as the car moved on down the road. Not very effective, but probably as good as the stock heater/defrosters were on these old things. The hood opener is a crystal (probably really plastic) door knob you'd find in many homes, the skylight looks like it was cut out with a hack saw or the jaws of life, the shift knob is from a Budweiser bar dispenser, and the whole thing is topped off by the raccoon tail on the antenna. There are many other features and details, but you get the idea. All in all, a fine motor vehicle anyone could be proud of. I know I would.
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