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User / Hammerchewer / Sets
Hammerchewer / 38 items

Yellowstone 2019
76 photos

131 photos

Yellowstone 2018
84 photos

Yellowstone trip 2017
66 photos

Yellowstone 2016
77 photos

Yellowstone 2015
52 photos

Yellowstone 2014
61 photos

Made Front Page :0)
8 photos
Thanks Flickr boffins :0)

Explored :0)
516 photos
Thanks Flickr boffins :0) And thanks to all to all viewers, much appreciated.

Birds & Fowl
4908 photos, 1 video
A set of winged friends, the quality of some photos is not so hot, pretty poor in fact. Equally some I'm proud of and in any case they all have a place here to serve as a memory bank should mine fade.

Yellowstone Park Birds
199 photos

American birds
1823 photos

Bearded Tits (Bearded Reedlings)
235 photos

Deer, Elk & Antelope
1178 photos, 8 videos

Garden birds of London
33 photos
Not a comprehensive list just those I have managed to capture so far

178 photos

Other wildlife
360 photos

Rainy day birds
7 photos
Get bored waiting for the skies to clear so attempt some captures of birds in the rain for fun. Shot at higher ISO speeds :0)

Duelling Duo
13 photos
Two young equally matched Fallow Deer bucks practice their rutting skills in earnest. Because they are so immature their antlers are tiny with no additional tines making safe interlocking impossible...

Yellowstone 2009 Wildlife
62 photos, 2 videos
National Park Vacation

Wolf abridged version
18 photos
Wolf kills elk

Wildlife Yellowstone Pre - 2009
52 photos

Yellowstone 2009 scenery , waterfalls and thermal...
45 photos, 9 videos

Yellowstone scenery
62 photos
Series of photos taken before 2009

Shenandoah & Blue Ridge
23 photos

Smoky Mountain and around
40 photos

Western USA
37 photos
Visits to various western locations

Flowers, plants and trees
69 photos

Wolf attack Yellowstone
248 photos
Wolf attacks and kills Elk in Yellowstone

Pulborough Brooks
35 photos
Not many birds to photograph on this day except around the bird feeders. Resorted to taking shots of other wildlife using handheld 400mm - my arm aches! Again not so many birds around except at the...

17 photos

Miscellaneous bits and bobs
104 photos, 1 video

Wildflowers in Lloyd Park Croydon England
18 photos
Wildflowers or flowers growing wild

Rummaged from old stuff - if only!
8 photos
Resurrected some old photos with some rare close encounters, which, with the gear I have now, would have produced some super shots.

In the garden
6 photos

Deer, Elk and Antelope - Older set
22 photos

Mute Swans attack cygnet
24 photos
This series of shots shows a Mute Swan pair attacking and trying to kill a cornered unrelated cygnet. Unfortunately the cygnet had been on a flight with a parent and sibling but for some inexplicable...

Moorhen junior finds and winkles out water snail
12 photos
Series of shots showing how an autumn juvenile Moorhen deals with a water snail meal.