Tyler S. Grant (b. 1995)
“More often than not, the circumstances of life seem to happen when we least expect; at least, that’s the way it felt upon the genesis of Resplendent Light. Commissioned by a school in Concord, Massachusetts, it was suggested to me to use Henry David Thoreau’s Walden as a source of inspiration for this serene and introspective work. Anyone who has read Walden knows that
one of the prominent overarching tones is ‘reflection.’ I had just sketched the first few melodic ideas for the work when I received the horrific news that my grandfather had passed away after a long battle with heart disease. While we knew that his health condition was declining we were unaware just how fast the disease would compromise his stability. Upon the death of a loved one, one can’t help but become immersed in self-reflection—reflecting on my own life, my heritage and the lives of those around me. Much like the way Thoreau chose to distance himself from the rest of the world in order to reflect, I spent several weeks blocking out the noise of our perpetually loud world to focus on these reflective thoughts.”
—Program note by Tyler S. Grant
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