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User / Jim Cumming / Sets / Algonquin Park
Jim Cumming / 168 items

N 3 B 2.4K C 1 E Oct 9, 2013 F Oct 12, 2013
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So cool to just sit and photograph this moose from about 25 feet away. Moose, Algonquin Park, Canada
Moose are the largest of all the deer species. Males are immediately recognizable by their huge antlers, which can spread 6 feet. Moose are so tall that they prefer to browse higher grasses and shrubs because lowering their heads to ground level can be difficult. In winter they eat shrubs and pinecones, but they also scrape snow with their large hooves to clear areas for browsing on mosses and lichens.
To purchase prints, cards, mugs, photos, shirts and more you can visit my Redbubble site

© Jim Cumming - If you're interested in using this image, please email me at Jimdarby8@yahoo.ca Please do not use without permission

Tags:   moose algonquin fall water pond DailyNature-TNC13 animal wildlife nature algonquin park park autumn mammal canon travel canada ontario brown nature photography Alces alces deer Jim Cumming

N 26 B 5.5K C 14 E Jun 30, 2013 F Jul 2, 2013
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The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a small, dog-like mammal, with a sharp pointed face and ears, an agile and lightly built body, a coat of lustrous long fur, and a large bushy tail. Male foxes are slightly larger than females. Sizes vary somewhat between individuals and geographic locations—those in the north tend to be bigger. Red foxes have a sharp bark, used when startled and to warn other foxes.
To purchase prints, cards, mugs, photos, shirts and more you can visit my Redbubble site

© Jim Cumming - If you're interested in using this image, please email me at Jimdarby8@yahoo.ca Please do not use without permission

Tags:   red fox fox kit profile orange fur algonquin park algonquin park DailyNature-TNC13 PhotoContest-TNC13 Jim Cumming

N 12 B 2.9K C 4 E Oct 3, 2013 F Oct 10, 2013
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To purchase prints, cards, mugs, photos, shirts and more you can visit my Redbubble site

© Jim Cumming - If you're interested in using this image, please email me at Jimdarby8@yahoo.ca Please do not use without permission

Tags:   leaf algonquin park colour fall DailyNature-TNC13 Jim Cumming Maple leaf

N 17 B C
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N 25 B 5.0K C 15 E Jun 30, 2013 F Jul 6, 2013
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The red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is a small, dog-like mammal, with a sharp pointed face and ears, an agile and lightly built body, a coat of lustrous long fur, and a large bushy tail. Male foxes are slightly larger than females. Sizes vary somewhat between individuals and geographic locations—those in the north tend to be bigger. Red foxes have a sharp bark, used when startled and to warn other foxes.
To purchase prints, cards, mugs, photos, shirts and more you can visit my Redbubble site

© Jim Cumming - If you're interested in using this image, please email me at Jimdarby8@yahoo.ca Please do not use without permission

Tags:   Red fox vixen stretch Algonquin park Jim Cumming fox
