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User / Jean-Luc Peluchon / Sets / Monochrome (B&W and color)
Jean-Luc Peluchon / 73 items

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Angoulême, Charente, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Thank you to all for your kind words! I really appreciate each one of them !!!
See my shots with 1,000+ faves, in Explore, my 3 best or "On the road" (with 4.700.000 views / top 10 Flickr 2016).

Tags:   FZ1000 Panasonic Lumix city town church castle shadow Fog haze weather minimalism panoramic dramatic mystical mysterious building cloud BRILLIANT WOW elitegalleryaoi bestcapturesaoi aoi

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The Angoulême International Comics Festival (French: Festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême) is the biggest in the world. It has occurred every year since 1974.
My photograph of this city resembles a drawn image. (Photo taken in 10 km of distance)
En clin d’œil au 44e festival international de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême qui débute en janvier prochain, une image de la ville qui ressemble à un dessin. (Photo prise à 10 km de distance)
Angoulême, Charente, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France

Thank you to all for your kind words! I really appreciate each one of them !!!
See my shots with 1,000+ faves, in Explore or my 3 best.

Tags:   FZ1000 Lumix Panasonic sunset sunrise sun red shadow town panoramic cloud landscape minimalism color

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Shot awarded the first public prize and jury prize at the 10th Isle-d'Espagnac exhibition (18 March 2018 - France).

Birthday soon as I have 100 photos shared!
(Downloaded on 13/08/2016)
But birthday because you will have seen 2.000.000 times my photos today exactly, a very very big thank you to all !!!
And as luck would have it, it's really my birthday 1 hour ago ... :-)
Thank you to all the Flickr community!
Anniversaire car bientôt 100 photos partagées!
Mais anniversaire car vous aurez vu 2.000.000 de fois mes photos aujourd'hui exactement, un énorme merci à vous tous !
Et puis comme le hasard fait bien les choses c'est vraiment mon anniversaire depuis 1 heure... :-)
Merci à toute la communauté Flickr !
Charente, France

Thank you to all for your kind words! I really appreciate each one of them !!!
See my shots with 1,000+ faves, in Explore or my 3 best.

Tags:   old vieux FZ1000 Panasonic Lumix light spotlight lumière chaise chair Decay decayed Abandoned Forgotten abandonné nostalgie grenier loft spiderweb araignée poussière past WOW WPDObjects

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Little Owl is a very small nocturnal bird.
C'est chouette !
Chevêche d'Athéna ou Chouette chevêche est la plus petite des chouettes, c'est probablement la plus diurne et la plus curieuse aussi !

Thank you to all for your kind words! I really appreciate each one of them !!!
See my shots with 1,000+ faves, in Explore or my 3 best.

Tags:   Panasonic FZ1000 Lumix nuit night oiseau bird nocturne nature chouette hibou owl ombre sombre shadow BRILLIANT WOW
