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User / jmv / Sets / Vancouver Historical Pubs
5 items

N 0 B 2.0K C 0 E Apr 10, 2015 F Apr 9, 2015
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I produced this poster for the Fraser Valley Antiques and Collectibles Club (sites.google.com/site/fvaccsite/) and presented it at the club meeting this evening.

The collection of images demonstrates the remarkable relics of early bar and pub advertising, often seen in the background of period photographs.

All three images are from the City of Vancouver Archives, and thanks to their high resolution online images, it is easy to distinguish the details in the ads on the walls. That's where the fun begins, as I went sleuthing online in an effort to try and find examples of these ads. Some will be common of course, whereas others may no longer exist at all, anywhere on earth!

Below is a description of the items displayed here:

1. Calendar: James Watson & Co. Scotch Whisky, Dundee, 1896
Agents F. Fischer & Coy., Bombay

Photo: CVA Item : Out P679 - [Interior of a Steveston saloon and barbershop]
ca. 1899; loaned to the Archives by Mrs. Ida B. Steeves in 1954

2. Poster: El Bart Dry Gin, Kaufmann & Strauss Co., NY Lithographer
Copyright 1905 by the Wilson Distilling Company, Baltimore, MD

Photo: CVA Item : Hot P54 - [Interior of a bar room] Unknown Vancouver bar, ca. 1917?

3. Poster: Sunny Brook and Willow Creek Distillery Co.'s
Rosenfield Bros & Co., Proprietors
Shober & Carqueville Lithograph Co., Chicago

Photo: CVA Item : Hot P53 - [Interior of a bar room] Unknown Vancouver bar, ca. 1917?

Tags:   brewing beer history distilling whiskey whisky poster advertising vancouver

N 0 B 157 C 0 E Mar 2, 2015 F Mar 2, 2015
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Original from Vancouver Archives: searcharchives.vancouver.ca/interior-of-steveston-saloon-...

N 0 B 71 C 0 E Mar 2, 2015 F Mar 2, 2015
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Original from Vancouver Archives: searcharchives.vancouver.ca/interior-of-bar-room-3

N 0 B 72 C 0 E Mar 2, 2015 F Mar 2, 2015
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Original from Vancouver Archives: searcharchives.vancouver.ca/index.php/interior-of-bar-room-2
