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User / JoeCow / Sets / Lego Space
30 items

N 22 B 713 C 6 E Oct 7, 2023 F Oct 19, 2023
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The Mogollon Rim is a mountainous ridge that runs 200 miles across Arizona. It’s the southern edge of the Colorado plateau. It is also home to sighting of Sasquatch, Big Foot, or what the locals call the Mogollon Monster. Reports claim it has a strong and pungent odor described as that of "dead fish, a skunk with bad body odor, decaying peat moss and the musk of a snapping turtle".

Tags:   lego toy_photographers gentlegiant joecowlego mogollon monster arizona

N 37 B 2.4K C 6 E Oct 16, 2019 F Oct 18, 2019
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The ISEE team has spent the day exploring the desert surface of MOA-2010-BLG-328L b, a super earth orbiting a star by the same name. This MOA has an orbital period of 972 days which means its summer season is equal to a full year on earth. Because of its size a full day equals approximately 4.267 times a standard day on earth. Needless to say they are ready for this day to end.

#interstellar_exoplanet_ekistics #space #lego #classicspace #legoclassicspace #desertplanet #ekistics #exoplant #MOA-2010-BLG-328L #toy_photographers #joecowtoy #joecow3D #stereotoy #stereolego #yellow #spacemen #explorers #stuckinplastic #valleyoffirestatepark #toyoutsiders #spacethefinalfrontier #nasa #legospace #astronauts

N 20 B 1.4K C 2 E Mar 26, 2017 F Mar 26, 2017
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via Instagram ift.tt/2nkkaWH

I am asking that we stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight. I am suggesting that as we go through life we “accentuate the positive.” I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment virtue and effort. ~ Gordon B. Hinkley

Tags:   optimism happy stormy water red umbrella umbrella rain benny Lego benny Lego

N 22 B 2.0K C 11 E Jul 11, 2019 F Jul 11, 2019
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There are some inherent risks associated with being a space explorer with the Interstellar Exoplanet Ekistics (ISEE) Team... Ralph found out first hand why the atmosphere must be tested completely before being exposed... 😦😐😐

Helmet doesn’t fit anymore...

#citizenbrick #neutralface #lego #stereolego #joecow3d #isee #interstellar_exoplanet_ekistics #itwasallyellow #wasp19b #exoplanet #toy_photographers #toyoutsiders #classicspace #legoclassicspace #yellowspaceman #stuckinplastic #queencreekaz #queencreekarizona #arizonatoycrew

N 54 B 8.2K C 0 E Nov 16, 2018 F Nov 17, 2018
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I made a shot similar to this back around Christmas 2016. I wanted to try out a new lens - I sort of like this one much better than the previous! The warped bokeh really leads the eyes towards the light.🚀🌌

Tags:   bokehlicious bokeh spaceship spaceship spaceship benny lego space lego space intergalactic interstellar
