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User / JoeCow / Sets / Interstellar Exoplanet Ekistics (ISEE)
14 items

N 52 B 4.8K C 7 E Nov 28, 2017 F Nov 28, 2017
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Yuri has discovered the perfect location for colonization. This particular area of Gliese 3293b is not as susceptible to the mass land flow or the erratic magnetism. This means instrumentation is not as affected by the shifting polarity. He is sending all his real-time data to be analyzed.

#space #explore #interstellar #exoplanet #ISEE #gliese3293b #yurivolkovnikov #lego #plotagraph #minifiguresbigworld #afol #legominifigures #toyslagram_lego #instalego #legostagram #brickcentral #joecowlego #bricknetwork #toyartistry_lego #lego_hub #brickshift #vitruvianbrix #stuckinplastic #brickculture #toy_photographers #utahtoycrew #toydiscovery #exclucollective

N 38 B 5.6K C 1 E Jul 1, 2018 F Jul 2, 2018
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The lush jungle-like vegetation was similar to the Jurassic Age of Earth but because of the hypergiant star at the center of its solar system- Tau Cet’s surface had a vivid blueish hue. Benny and Dirk (seasoned ISEE astronauts) had embarked on an intense initiative to explore Tau’s surface. They discovered a small chicken sized dinosaur-like creature that appeared to be rather intelligent and quite friendly. Suddenly Dirk noticed an out of ordinary object that resembled a primitive form of earthly transportation... what in the world...!?
Flabbergasted and stunned by the realization that they may be dealing with humanoids on a similar evolution path of earth; they quickly made contact with the orbital team to report the anomaly. Exhilarating! So much was their mind swallowed up in their find that they failed to hear the subtle crunching sounds behind them...
#interstellar_exoplanet_ekistics #ekistics #exoplanet #interstellar #explore #legospace #classicspace #utahtoycrew #joecowlego #lego #lennyraptor #redbike #jurassicworld #olympusomdem5 #voigtlander25mmf095 #toy_photographers #brickcentral #brickcentral_story #stuckinplastic #toyartistry_lego

N 29 B 4.7K C 2 E Jul 4, 2018 F Jul 5, 2018
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After configuring the FCPAe (Fusion Core Particle Accelerator engine) to float mode, Dirk decided to do a system check on the main vacuum channel of the GWETs (Gravitational Wave Emitting Tubes) before heading back to the Exoplanet surface... He found a minor breach that most likely occurred from the dinosaur incident.

Luckily for Dirk and Benny, their spaceship was monitoring their vitals and kept them alert of their surroundings in time to avoid mastication and deglutition by the true owner of the red transportation device they had stumbled across. The ship had swooped in when the dinosaur attacked resulting in claw marks, tooth puncture holes, and this apparent leak.
#ISEE #interstellar_exoplanet_ekistics #ekistics #exoplanet #interstellar #explore #legospace #classicspace #utahtoycrew #joecowlego #lego #yellowtube #stuckinplastic #toy_photographers #toyartistry_lego #bricknetwork #brickcentral

N 35 B 4.3K C 12 E Jul 11, 2018 F Jul 11, 2018
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Exploring the surface of the ice giant exoplanet OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb, is much more comfortable thanks to these awesome space blankets made possible by a generous contribution from the Wrigley Company.

The ice consists of some bigger chunks of selenite that I got out of the ground with my kiddos a few years back. Selenite is a gypsum crystal that the pioneers used to use as glass back in the 1800s. Kind of cool!

#spaceblanket #wrigleys #lego #space #exoplanet #legoclassicspace #classicspace #toy_photographers #stuckinplastic #cold #ice #joecowlego #voigtlander25mmf095 #gumwrapper #mexturesapp #lightroommobile #utahtoycrew #brickcentral #brickshift #bricknetwork #toyphotography #minifiguresbigworld #brickpichub #legoart #getolympus

N 23 B 4.3K C 4 E Jul 18, 2018 F Aug 7, 2018
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Navigating the deserts of Kepler-16b has the ISEE (Interstellar Exoplanet Ekistics) team exploring deep crevices formed from recent sudden storms. The violent storms caused by its two suns dump massive amounts of liquid water within minutes just to have it disappear from the surface almost as fast. It is a planet in constant desert/ monsoon weather but the monsoon only lasts 10min out of a 32 hour day. They have to be careful to not be in the crevice territories during that 10 minutes. Analysis of the monsoon has determined it comes swiftly and unpredictably on the otherwise hot and dry planet.

#interstellar_exoplanet_ekistics #ISEE #astronauts #classicspace #lego #deepspace #Kepler_16b #exoplanet #ekistics #interstellar #desertplanet #bricknetwork #brickcentral #redorange #toyartistry #utahtoycrew #toy_photographers #stuckinplastic #afol #lego_hub #legominifigures #minifiguresbigworld #nasa #spacex #starwalkapp

This is a six image series - the other five images are posted on both IG (@joecow) and Google+ at Joecow Lego
