He who walks in the middle of the road gets hit from both sides.
~ George P. Shultz
#antman #jantmanuary #lego #legochess #legopirates #heroclixantman #miniscule #perilous #checkerboard #stereoscopic #stereotoy #tp_realworld2020 #toyphotography #toy_photographers #bricknetwork #brickcentral #inthemiddle #twist60 #lensbaby #seeinanewway #litratorch #litrapro #chess #chessset
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Should’ve cleaned and rinsed the bottle… now I gots sugar ants… #sugarantman #sugar_antman #drpepper
I’ve been using a light box for product photography as a side project at work. Still trying to dial in the white balance. It’s a bit tricky as I’ve got to over expose by a few stops to account for the 18% grey that the camera automatically sets to. I think I’ve got the colors right, but the exposure is still finicky and hard to judge until shot. I sure am grateful for digital cameras; I can’t imagine trying to get this right with film.😅 One thing about photography that I love is there is always something to learn and improve.
#jantmanuary #jantmanuary_2025 #joecowtoy #joecowphoto #highkey #voigtlander25mmf095
Tags: sugarantman jantmanuary_2025 joecowphoto voigtlander25mmf095 stereoscopic highkey jantmanuary joecowtoy drpepper
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