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User / J. Tewell / Nov. 23, 1898 letter (transcript) from a USA soldier in Manila back to his sister in the USA
John Tewell / 12,931 items
A typed transcript of the handwritten letter for easier reading.
How strange it can be to look back in time into the mind of a person, and how he thought 119 years ago. A letter of an American soldier that was stationed in Manila, Philippines in November 1898 that wrote to his sister back in the USA. This letter has a wide range of powerful emotions. To me it says how little we actually know our forebears. All in one letter he talks about gifts sent back home, and how he likes the Philippine Islands and glad the USA may keep them and he would like to continue serving in the Army in the Philippines instead of back in the USA. And of fights between the Spanish and the Filipinos, of killings, and how they always killed 2 or more for every one killed to get even. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
  • Views: 16115
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 9
  • Taken: Mar 9, 2014
  • Uploaded: Mar 8, 2014
  • Updated: Nov 28, 2017