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User / J. Tewell / Sets / Army & Navy Club, Manila
John Tewell / 6 items

N 7 B 8.7K C 0 E Oct 4, 2017 F Aug 21, 2019
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Esperanza Limjap-Osmeña, wife of Philippine President Sergio Osmeña, reserves her first painting at the Filipino painters exhibition, Manila, Philippines, Feb. 23, 1946

She became first lady upon the death of Manuel L. Quezon, when her husband succeeded to the presidency of the Philippine government-in-exile in the United States. However, while her husband was president-in-exile, she herself was still in the Philippines and remained there, during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines during World War II. Mrs. Osmena was in Baguio. She and her three children, Ramon, (22), Rosie (20) and Victor (11), escaped from Japanese held Baguio by walking 50 miles across the mountains to Dagupan, Luzon, Philippines early Feb. 1945.

US Signal Corps Photo, US National Archives

I have been going through the USA National Archives, WWII Philippines photographs albums that are posted on line. The picture here is one of them. It will take a long time to go through them all, as there are 134 albums of about 160 pictures per album that equals approximately 21,000 pictures. I believe it is import to save the most important images and to share them as I have time to work on them and to have them available on a memory drive that will go to researchers for many years to come. There are a lot of pictures of people shaking hands and pinning metals on each other that does not interest me much. The subject mater of the pictures are mostly haphazardly arranged with very poor to nonexistent indexing so I have to look at each what appears in a postage stamp size thumbnail picture to ascertain if it is important to save. Many of the pictures are very gruesome and difficult to look at but needs to be seen for an accurate picture of what truly happened here in the Philippines. I am realizing that what most think of the history of WWII Philippines is not the real picture of what happened but only a selected very condensed picture that often relate to personal views, I will take some of the blame as this includes myself. The pictures I will personally be sharing online will predominately show the humanitarian side of the war.
I am needing a memory storage device such as a USB hard drive that would last a long time and be a safe place to archive all the pictures I am saving if anyone would like to help. Also need advice to where would be best for all my history pictures could be saved for future generations long after I am gone.

Tags:   Post WWII Manila Post WWII Philippines Esperanza Limjap-Osmeña Filipino painters exhibition

N 3 B 9.5K C 0 E May 13, 2019 F May 15, 2019
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Formally a favorite meeting place for US Army and Navy personnel on duty in the Philippines. The building was shelled and burned during the Battle for Manila, Feb. 1945. Today it has been rebuilt to the luxurious Rizal Park Hotel. The building was in bad condition about to fall in on itself. The outside shell was saved but the inside was demolished and rebuilt new saving as much of the original as possible.

US Army Signal Corps photo, US National Archives

Tags:   Army & Navy Club Manila Old Manila Old Philippines WWII Manila WWII Philippines

N 13 B 13.6K C 2 E Oct 30, 2016 F Dec 13, 2017
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Manila and Luneta Park as viewed from over Manila Bay, Philippines, Nov. 24, 1939, 3 PM

Army & Navy Club, Elks Club, University Club Apartments, Bay View Hotel, and the new under construction US High Commissioner Residence that would become the US Embassy are on the right side of the picture. Luneta (Rizal) Park is in the center. Manila Hotel with the Old Spanish city of Intramuros behind it is on the left side of the picture. Lots of landmark building can be seen in the distance. Manila City Hall is there but the clock tower has yet to be built. In the far distance Tondo Church can be seen. How many others can you name?

For a large very high definition picture go here: www.flickr.com/photos/johntewell/38309832524/sizes/o/

To the left of the Army & Navy Club in the bay is a sea going pump dredge that sucks up the bottom of water bodies and sends it through pipes to where it is to be deposited. The solids settle out and the water drains off. This is what was used to reclaim the land used to build the High Commissioners Residence that would become the US Embassy of today. To support buildings close together large holes are drilled vertically down through the soft sandy soil to bedrock and filled with concrete that supports the buildings from sinking into the soft soil.

War Department. Army Air Forces, US National Archives

Tags:   Army & Navy Club, Manila Elks Club, Manila University Club Apartments, Manila Bay View Hotel, Manila US High Commissioner Residence, Manila Old Luneta Park, Manila Old Rizal Park, Manila Old Manila Old Philippines

N 13 B 37.9K C 1 E Oct 30, 2016 F Dec 12, 2017
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Ships are anchored in Manila Bay. Army & Navy Club, Elks Club, and Luneta Hotel on the right; the University Club Apartments had not been built yet. The 1926 Manila Carnival is set up on the Luneta. To the left and closer is the Rizal Monument. Manila Hotel is on the left with Intramuros father behind it. A lot of different landmark building can be seen in the distance. The new Manila City Hall had not been built yet.

War Department. Army Air Forces, US National Archives

Tags:   Luneta Park, Manila 1926 Manila Carnival Rizal Park, Manila Manila Bay Army & Navy Club Elks Club Old Manila Old Philippines

N 5 B 9.4K C 1 E Oct 4, 2017 F May 15, 2019
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Today it has been rebuilt to the luxurious Rizal Park Hotel. The building was in bad condition about to fall in on itself. The outside shell was saved but the inside was demolished and rebuilt new saving as much of the original as possible.

US Army Signal Corps, US Library of Congress

Tags:   Army & Navy Club Manila Old Manila Old Philippines
