Oil & water mixture playing with a colored light.
Tags: composition Jordi Sureda creative colorful composició Nikon D90 nikkor interesante impacto inspiración intens creativitat colors creatiu azul light Macro Macro Fotografia point of view aceite oli water aigua fotografia photography photo original different D90 fotografia creativa bokeh enfoque simply red vermell yellow mystery groc mezcla mixture luz llum creation 50mm abstracta abstract bubbles
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This is a mixture of water and oil, illuminated with a colored light.
Thank you very much for your visits, faves, and kind comments.
Tags: Jordi Sureda Oil & Water creative composition colorful bokeh bubbles colors Circles aigua red Raynox DCR-250 photography point of view patterns light llum experimenting interesting Nikon D90 nikon exploring My world Macro abstract textures tabletop Macro Fotografia luz Abstract Macro enfoque idea interesante impacto interesant imperfecto original different mystery 50mm
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Macro photography can be a great way to abstract everyday objects, but just because abstract photography more often depicts geometric shapes, lines, and curves, that doesn't mean the images are meaningless.
When you try to take these types of photographs with a mixture of water and oil, you never know how the final result will be or how it will turn out! Here I show you mine!
A tiny world of circles, this time in black and white!
Happy monday to everyone!
Tags: Jordi Sureda Circles b&w Water agua oil aceite black and white strange Full of Circles Macro nikon D90 Abstract Macro detail aigua low light enfoque experimenting effect redondas Macro Fotografia interesting interesante creation composition creativitat fotografia idea inspiración Imperfection rodones circle imperfecto fotografia creativa curvas light llum interesant enjoy abstract image Macro photography nikkor break the rules composicion complex caos Artwork blanc i negre white black black & white expresión expression my world luz 50mm monochrome Raynox DCR-250 bubbles mix mezcla pattern
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The magic of the details in macro photography is for me, being able to carefully observe the beyond... it is that type of photography that allows us to see details that normally go unnoticed by the human eye.... and that fascinates me to see so close up.
Thank you very much for the visits, favorites and kind comments.
Tags: Jordi Sureda Oil & Water Macro Macro Fotografia colorful water oil point of view colors composition creation simply Raynox DCR-250 tabletop textures My world senzill enfoque exploring interesante intens vivid visual impact nikon Nikon D90 light luz D90 detail detalles fotografia creativa fotografia Ukraine no war peace Stop War peace & love no fear
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Testing with the water and oil mixture!
Tags: Jordi Sureda composition Oil & water creative D90 exploring enfoque light My world photography Nikon D90 point of view color colorful colors full of color crazy colors creativitat abstract macro macro Macro photography interesting aceite agua y aceite attractive nikkor abstract image art
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