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User / Jordi Sureda / Sets / Conceptual photography
Jordi Sureda / 19 items

N 376 B 18.3K C 55 E Aug 11, 2021 F Aug 11, 2021
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A nice image of three good friends!

Thank you very much for your comments and have a good day!

Tags:   Jordi Sureda Friends Nikon D90 50mm egg creative composition three experimenting inspiración amigos amics creativitat eggs simply composició photography point of view fun relax fotografia creativa nikon My world interesante exploring creation smile somriu

N 486 B 15.6K C 73 E Aug 4, 2021 F Aug 4, 2021
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A little boring at home ... have you noticed?

Tags:   Jordi Sureda Macro creative composition face three simply My world macrofotografía creativitat minimal minimalismo senzill smile caras creation different foolishness boring impacto intens experimenting trees bad guys bokeh yellow red Raynox DCR-250 nikkor Nikon D90 details h

N 651 B 16.3K C 75 E May 27, 2021 F May 27, 2021
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Tiempo atrás publiqué una muy parecida que ya no está, esta es una versión mejorada. El balance es una cosa muy simple pero a la vez muy dificil de mantener en nuestro dia a dia, espero lo consigan!

Tags:   Jordi Sureda Forks creativitat maduixa fresa composition Strawberry red vermell point of view fotografia creativa balance simply My world idea photography light high key white 50mm WPDObjects

N 424 B 12.2K C 47 E Apr 9, 2021 F May 19, 2021
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Thanks for your kind comments!

Tags:   Jordi Sureda Macro monochrome fotografia fotografia creativa point of view different detail D90 forquilla creative composition creativitat detalle direction conflicto one sombras shadows light luz hierro simply error senzill diferent interesante nikon llum minimal negro blanco y negro bokeh black and white composició Nikon D90 detall Raynox DCR-250 Macro Fotografia macrofotografía

N 646 B 21.7K C 75 E May 5, 2021 F May 9, 2021
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Did you know that a color is capable of causing an emotional impact on the people who observe it? Over the years the meaning of colors has evolved and depending on the sociocultural context and other factors such as age or gender, they are capable of evoking one or the other sensations.

Interesting right? How can color affect us so much?
Not only is it capable of creating a psychological response, it can also be even physical. The psychology of color affirms that there are many factors that make it up: universal, cultural, regional, communal and individual.

Tags:   Jordi Sureda blue orange impacto simply composition creative nikon Nikon D90 minimal interesante interesting idea inspiración intens interesant simple blau azul textures detalle D90 different detail light less is more minimalism mystery My world senzill fotografia creativa point of view photography creation creativitat fruita colors colorful 50mm Psychology exploring atypical photographic art fruit intense powerful WPDObjects Conceptual photography WPD23Objects
