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User / Julie70 Joyoflife / Sets / Online experiences
Julie Kertesz / 9 items

N 12 B 5.8K C 5 E May 10, 2015 F May 31, 2015
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My laptop on two books so the camera arrives at my eye level. Lights for the sober days or the night meeting. Mic and listening to avoid echo. And of course, paper and pen to write down longhand when needed.

This was taken after the Story Telling Workshop, Sunday morning. It is exciting we can meet through the web now from home and not only "corporate places" ! Almost as it was Apple II when we first got them home instead of using terminals to access from afar to huge computers.

I am an early adapter, I hope many will follow to create online clubs complementing the others and meeting from afar! What a wonderful learning experience.

Tags:   Photo Julie Kertesz LONDON home prepared for web meeting computer Living room macintosh

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The April 12 2015 I told my story of how I escaped with my family alive at age of 10: going away in 1 hour and then changing name for a whole year. That was the first meeting of the Online Toastmasters called Firebirds Collective, that now chartered in March, 2016.

It took some time to learn "how to". Need to put my portable on two thick books to have the viewer my eye level, have head sets to avoid echo and background noise. Think of background and suitable lightening.

Tags:   Blackheath nearer computer julie kertesz london Photo Julie Kertesz earset lights portable online online club prepared for club meeting toastmasters online julie70 Londres home livingroom

N 0 B 61 C 0 E May 10, 2015 F May 11, 2015
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Tags:   Blackheath house london Photo Julie Kertesz computer online prepared for club meeting toastmasters online julie70 Londres home livingroom

N 0 B 67 C 0 E May 10, 2015 F May 11, 2015
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Tags:   Blackheath london macintosh Photo Julie Kertesz online prepared for club meeting toastmasters online julie70 Londres home livingroom computer

N 0 B 74 C 0 E May 10, 2015 F May 11, 2015
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Tags:   macintosh Blackheath Photo Julie Kertesz london online prepared for club meeting toastmasters online julie70 Londres home livingroom computer
