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User / Julie70 Joyoflife / Sets / Christmas Colours
Julie Kertesz / 7 items

N 0 B 867 C 0 E Dec 20, 2015 F Dec 21, 2015
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Time-keeper for Toastmasters meeting in Christmas colours
The green apple was seen often, almost all spoke at least till minimum time at yesterday's meeting!

Tags:   colours vegetable toastmasters timekeeper apple potatoe colors

N 0 B 134 C 0 E Dec 20, 2015 F Dec 21, 2015
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This is how I used them, but through my computer, only the top of the vase and the apple was seen - when time came. Almost no one got over the maximum time, so the red apple was not seen often at our meeting yesterday.

Tags:   colours vegetable toastmasters timekeeper apple potatoe colors photo julie kertesz

N 0 B 216 C 0 E Dec 20, 2015 F Dec 21, 2015
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I was "Time keeper" for Toastmasters Meeting
usually, we do use "lights" for "minimum time reached", middle "prepare to end" and "end of speech"

Yesterday, inspired by last week's Timekeeper, Tim, I found in the kitchen what I needed: apples and a potatoes - and also discovered they are in Christmas colours

Tags:   colours vegetable toastmasters timekeeper apple potatoe colors

N 0 B 172 C 0 E Dec 20, 2015 F Dec 21, 2015
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Time keeper for Toast Masters in Christmas colours

Tags:   colours vegetable toastmasters timekeeper apple potatoe colors

N 0 B 271 C 0 E Dec 20, 2015 F Dec 21, 2015
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Instead of lights, I did buy colourful cartons, like the yellow one here, but fruits and vegetables from my kitchen were more funny to use for our last meeting of the year.

Here the huge potatoes that I will bake today.

I was "Time keeper" for Toastmasters Meeting
usually, we do use "lights" for "minimum time reached", middle "prepare to end" and "end of speech"

Yesterday, inspired by last week's Timekeeper, Tim, I found in the kitchen what I needed: apples and a potatoes - and also discovered they are in Christmas colours

Tags:   colours vegetable toastmasters timekeeper apple potatoe colors
