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User / Julie70 Joyoflife / Sets / Julie Preferred
Julie Kertesz / 127 items

N 12 B 12.6K C 14 E Jul 6, 2002 F Jan 18, 2018
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My exhibited photo, a copy of which in big size, I sold a few years ago.

See also my collections at www.flickr.com/photos/joyoflife/collections/
Before digital and flickr - taken 12 years ago, it shows then already then I have begun

This breakfast has a long story behind it, and is an "as is" of one of my morning breakfasts taken with Olympus, a camera I started with, borrowed from my son. .

I begun, again to try to loose weight. Was it Scarsdale ? I lost it - alas, as usual, gained back.

I remember that morning, putting down my plate in the kitchen near the fridge. Discovering a reflection, a good angle. Taking the camera. At that time, I did not take so many pictures as each had to be given to shop for developing, printing, costing money.

I remembered, then:

When I was young, I wanted to have a breakfast in bed, like my grand-father. My grand-mother always brought it for him. Sometimes in my life, a lot later, someone did it to me, but last years I do it to myself.

My grand-mother continued to bring breakfast in bed also in the Bergen Belsen camp where they were imprisoned as jews, for more then six month and not knowing if ever they come out alive. She stayed in line twice, for the black liquid and almost nothing, and eat hers whith him in the hospital barack where he stayed, then, went back to hers where her grand children were.

She tells it all (wrote it there and later in Switzerland) in her journal that I published on web in a blog,


I try not to gain weight and have only a toast in the morning, but nowdays, I often take my breakfast while I blog in the morning, and often the cafee is cold before I remember to drink it, but blogs and flickr are so great!

Tags:   before digital copyright j kertesz 2004 Challenge03AtHome mostfav Reggeli petit déjeuner frühstück Argenteuil breakfast my preferred photo Julie Kertesz photobook My Prefered MesChoix cups coffee café caffee cofé cups expresso photo by Julie Kertesz ForStorytelling Life after 70 Preferred JKPreferred

N 5 B 1.1K C 1 E Mar 14, 2013 F Dec 9, 2017
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As taken by my iPod - just darkened a bit
I see in it my worries exaggerated...

Tags:   photo by Julie Kertesz 2013 London Worries Exaggerated Vase Shadow Natural photo by Julie Kertesz 2013 London Mur Ombre vases photo julie kertesz Rappel 2013 2013 memories photos julie kertesz Preferred JKPreferred

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Stumbled on it by chance again, today
Photos like this make me happy with the world

From the set Hallowen Kids, 2005

there is a story behind this picture that I found again after almost a year,

I was feeling quite alone that day. Going to buy bread, I met these small boys trying to do trick and treat the hallowing day, not yet a tradition in France, and wanted to take their photos. I found some bonbons (that I have genearlly for my grand children) and they were happy to come in. Made some pics outside the fence and some inside.

They never came back to pick up their images, but looking at the set and this image in particularly, my heart is still feeling warmer in this sunday and also lonely day, he still smiles warmly at me suddenly.


Je me sentais seule ce jour-là, ne sachant même pas que c'était Halowwen, pas spécialement fêté en France. En allant acheter du pain au coin de ma rue, je les ai vu. J'avais des bonbons à offrir et des photos à faire et j'ai passé (peut être eux aussi) du bon temps ensemble avec eux, tant dehors, que juste à l'intérieur du jardin, près de la porte d'entré de la cour.

aujourd'hui encore, ce petit minois me souriant me rechauffe le coeur

Tags:   Halloween kids cute neighborhood France fall 2005 bonbons red blue gens people Argenteuil Argenteuillais People met in Argenteuil JulieArgenteuil rencontres Photo Julie Kertesz Photo Julie70 Copyright J.Kertesz 2005 Life-is-Art! Preferred JKPreferred

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There is life after 90 ! Sylvie proved me when we visited her in a small village in France.

Merci, Sylvie, une modèle si belle et chaleureuse de la Loue.
90+ pleine de vie / lot l'Oder then me and so full of life
(Photo souvenir 2006)

Tags:   old beautifull woman country France 2006 Sylvie people gens femme vieille belle chaleur warmth working Travailleurs Métiers en France Working in France village In the village simple choses vieux Jours inoubliables travailant activités activities portraits choice julie70 julie kertesz prefered workers work travail my preferred photo Julie Kertesz photobook 100 pages A4 My Prefered MesChoix interesting top interesting top 100 interesting flickr Femmes Women 'top each a story to tell memories Life after 70 forstorytelling Preferred JKPreferred

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Portrait on London streets, a street worker looks back to me with understanding. This looks of human understanding remain so important for me.

I asked him, almost as I arrived in London, they were having a pause, "may I take a photo of you?" and he answered "Why? I am old" then I pointed to myself and said "And me? I am not still interesting, because of my age? I am older then you."

That is the look, telling me, "yes, take a photo"!

We were not so different after all and he felt also interesting.
I do remember, looking at these photos again, when Judy Carter told us "SEE the others" around you, tell them you see them.

Photo taken less then a month after my arrival in UK.
During my first photo stroll in London centre.

My set "no more a stranger" of photos of people I did not know
No more stranger set

Old Vieux Öreg set
OLD Vieux Öreg set

Tags:   London Thames UK photo julie kertesz Londres portrait worker street closeup smile never too old beautiful wrinkles city 888 character recent interestingness flickr recent interesting choices rue travels voyages divers pays on the road from street My Prefered MesChoix MyPreferred top interesting photography Julie Kertesz understanding connection Seen each other seen interesting top 100 interesting 'top each a story to tell memories forstorytelling Preferred JKPreferred
