The Owachomo Bridge is located in Natural Bridges National Monument west of Blanding, Utah. I saw this bridge in a National Geographic article "The End of Night" Nov. 2008, p.102 and thought I have to give it a try. While I was scouting Moab I decided to take the 2 hr. drive to this location and lose another nights sleep!
You can view the National Geographic photo
A quote from the article...A starry night gleams above Owachomo Bridge in Utah's Natural Bridges National Monument—named the first Dark Sky Park by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA). "Here you see something forgotten," says ranger Scott Ryan, "and reconnect with the sky."
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For this image, I used a 30 sec. exposure at f3.5 and ISO 6400. The light on the bridge is indirect light painting. During the exposure I pointed a flashlight behind me reflecting off of the rocks and trees. This produced a much more even light than when I would shine the flash light quickly across the bridge..
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