Once upon a time, deep in a magical forest, stood a magnificent tree, older than time itself.
It was known as the Singing Ringing Tree.People used to take their troubles to the tree, holding it tightly and pressing their foreheads to its ancient bark.They would make a wish and wait. In a very short time they would hear sounds in it's foliage high above. It sounded like the gentle sighing of tubular bells and the liquid music filled the air.
Over many years, everyone forgot the whereabouts of this great tree and ever since, people all over the world are still searching for its secret. Have you ever looked for the magical Singing Ringing Tree?
Thank you for your wonderful comments. Have a great week.
June xx
This was done for a Pink challenge.
Thank you for looking. xx
A digital collage for a Challenge. images googled.
Happy Sunday everyone! Thank you for your visits and comments.
They are so much appreciated!
June xx
A little bit of magic and mystery today my friends..
Enjoy a wonderful and magical day..
Love from June and Algie xxxx