Peter's wonderful glass window with another Leonardo sketch.
Thank you for looking.xx
The older and younger monks were Googled. The dove is from my stash.
That gorgeous background is a stained glass window, hand made by Peter.. Zanador. He has some beautiful pictures of the work he's done on his stream.
Thank you so much dear Peter! xx
The background glass is again with many thanks to Peter. A Leonardo sketch and a rose is in the centre.
Thank you for looking. xx
Da Vinci's sketch of Jesus is at the centre of this one. Again Peter's wonderful glass window and a few of my own layers on top.
I am so enthused about this series, using Peter's wonderful work as a background. I do hope he doesn't minbd me altering them somewhat!
Thanks so much for looking. xx
I love this one! Only rarely do I really like one but I think this one is exceptional. There I go blowing my own trumpet. What do you think?
Thanks for viewing! xx