Hello dear friends...
Another Mermaid picture today.
The one on the left was borrowed from Julianne McPeters.
The other is a pencil sketch by Anne Marie Broughton which I hand tinted.....
I just love mermaids............smiling....
Oh the sun is shining today! Glory be!
Have a wonderful day my dears...
Hugs from
June and Algie xxx
I seem to have a passion for them....
Perhaps I was a mermaid in a previous life..!...smile...
I do love the sea and have always lived close to it.....
So Good Morning my dear friends..
Have a wonderful day...!
Hugs from
June and Algie xxx
This was done for a 'Fishy' challenge.
Do you think his luck's in?
Thanks for looking! xx
Hello my dears...happy Wednesday!....
I'm sure mermaids have lots of fun with plenty of creatures to play with....
Enjoy the day my friends and take care...
June and Algie xxx
Good morning... we are going underwater for a change this morning...
I'm off to have my nails done...
Have a great day dear friends..
Love June and Algie xxx