Good day to you all..
The sun is rising and it looks as if it's going to be a fine day..
The main figure here was taken from a painting by Sulamith Wulfing. She was a German artist and illustrator and it is well worth checking her life and visionary art..
Take care dear ones and enjoy the day..
June and Algie xxx
The little face by Sulamith Wulfing intrigued me and I added some cool greenery...almost a bird
I am looking forward to seeing my son tomorrow..he's coming home from France for a few days...
Enjoy the rest of your day dear ones..
Hugs from
June and Algie xxx
Tags: Wulfing Sulamith
Good morning dear ones..
The figure is taken from a painting by Sulamith Wulfing..
Those beautiful soulful eyes...
Wishing you a delightful day...
June and Algie xxx
I made this a couple of years ago. made around a painting by Sulamith Wulfing...
Enjoy your evening/rest of the day.....
Love from June and Algie xxx
Hello dear ones...
Another picture made around the art of Sulamith Wolfing....
The weekend is here again...
Enjoy your Saturday and give everyone you meet a smile...
Love from June and Algie xxx