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User / jurvetson / AMD Global Vision Conference
Steve Jurvetson / 8,567 items
Dreamworks' Katzenberg: “The number one aspirational purchase of Wal*Mart customers is a big screen TV. This is a challenge for the movie industry. Movie theaters are not honoring their customers. They must innovate or die.”

Scott McNealy: “Technology has the shelf life of a banana.”

“We have no privacy. Get over it. And we are doing dumb stuff. Facebook and MySpace are like permanent online digital tattoos. Post some drunken photos from the party. Employers are having a much easier time doing due diligence.”

Paul Saffo (moderator on right): We are preserving all that we will want to forget.

Yang Yuanqing, Chairman of Lenovo, acquired IBM’s PC business, and so he thought he should learn English for the first time. A year later, he is on a panel in America speaking just fine.

Tying them all together is Hector Ruiz, CEO of AMD. (conference agenda)
  • Views: 6929
  • Comments: 3
  • Favorites: 1
  • Taken: Sep 19, 2006
  • Uploaded: Sep 21, 2006
  • Updated: Jul 3, 2022