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User / jurvetson / Sets / Internet
Steve Jurvetson / 234 items

N 4 B 29.0K C 10 E Aug 11, 2008 F Aug 11, 2008
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I cleaned the solar panels from 2-3pm yesterday from a year’s worth of dust and saw real-time benefits.

The bottom chart shows total production for Saturday and Sunday. The curves are identical through 2pm, and then on Sunday, they jump 0.5 kilowatt after the cleaning.

Tags:   Solar Cell Cleaning Sunny Web Portal kWh Energy Power Production Report CO2 Carbon Reduction Feedback SMA PV photovoltaic

N 6 B 34.6K C 16 E Jun 13, 2007 F Jun 13, 2007
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Or at least, that’s how I introduced Eric Schmidt at lunch today. =)

Even though the event was to be off the record, he preferred to have it videotaped and uploaded to YouTube (if someone finds the talk searching for WAVC and Eric Schmidt, please post it here).

In a nod to the transparent society, Eric told me that he has to assume that he is always on the record, and false rumors are less likely to form if all of the original source material is online.

Here are some of my notes (compared to the video which is now up, we can see how accurate they really are)….

On search, we are not done at all. We’re just getting started.

What happens when we have near-simultaneous translation across all the world’s languages? Will we be more or less friendly? I don’t mean the Western languages. If we mis-translate part of the Koran, people get killed. This is a problem for our engineers.

What happens to privacy in a transparent world? Nixon got in trouble for taping his life. When did we go from no record to a total record?

People ask “Are you the next Microsoft?” Google is built in a different way. We are built on open source frameworks. So, yes, we have made a commitment: We won’t prevent people from leaving Google. We won’t trap user data.

Several of our data centers are near dams. Dams are often under-utilized. We wish they were above the dams.

Massive data centers will be built by many companies for many years to come. It’s the return of the mainframe.

Tags:   Google CEO Eric Schmidt WAVC lunch talk Transparent Society Do no Evil Leader(S) of the Free World

N 15 B 24.5K C 5 E Oct 27, 2010 F Oct 30, 2010
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I just love this knowing glance


Tags:   Jeff Bezos Amazon Stanford ENCORE Entrepreneurial Company Award Kindle AWS China Innovation

N 2 B 22.1K C 5 E Apr 18, 2011 F Apr 18, 2011
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I just discovered this dashboard of my neglected YouTube channel.

So, if I am reading this right, most of my viewed have been by middle-aged men, and the most popular topics are rockets, electric cars and dolphins. The rocket videos command the most attention, and the dolphins the least.

The U.S. and Canadian viewership is not so surprising, but Russia is interesting, and on the detailed maps below, I seem to be playing well in Texas, South Korea, Estonia and the U.A.E.

Tags:   YouTube Insight View Stats Global Data Geek Video

N 3 B 3.6K C 0 E Mar 16, 2020 F Mar 16, 2020
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Until further notice, Future.Ventures has self-sequestered to space.

Zoom videoconferencing works great up here!

Tags:   Space Zoom Videoconference Call Orbit Self Quarantine Self-Sequester SyntheticMeatSpace
