My first view of the monumental staircase on the slopes of Capitoline Hill.
The Palazzo Senatorio with its clock tower is at centre, and the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius is just visible (please zoom in) at the top of Michelangelo's Cordonata Capitolina Staircase.
Rome; July 2019
Tags: street view monumental staircase stairway steps Monte Capitolino 卡比托利欧山 Capitoline Hill Capitolium Campidoglio Cordonata Michelangelo urban Roma 羅馬 Rome Italy 意大利 Italia Samsung Note 8
Viewing the monumental staircases up the slopes to Capitoline Hill and Santa Maria in Ara Coeli is an iconic "This is Rome' moments.
The Basilica di Santa Maria in Aracoeli (Saint Mary of the Altar of Heaven) is the designated church of the Rome's city council (still refered to as the 'SPQR' Senātus Populusque Rōmānus).
The stairway up is sometimes called the 'Stairway to Heaven' because it leads up to the Aracoeli (Altar of Heaven). It has over 120 steps and is rather steep. The church stands at the highest point of Monte Capitolino, the most important of Rome's seven hills. The Temple of Juno Moneta once stood here.
Capitoline Hill was where the ancient Roman's had their most sacred temples. Nearby was the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus.
In contrast to the older steep staiway on the left, Michelangelo's Cordonata Capitolina Staircase takes you up to the other side of Capitoline Hill, Piazza del Campidoglio, in a more gentle slope. Most visitors head up this way. Today medieval and Renaissance era palaces (now part of the Capitoline Museums) surround the Piazza del Campidoglio.
Rome; July 2019
Tags: monumental staircase stairway steps Monte Capitolino 卡比托利欧山 Capitoline Hill Capitolium Campidoglio Santa Maria Ara Coeli Cordonata Michelangelo urban Roma 羅馬 Rome Italy 意大利 Italia Sony RX100 RX100VA RX100M5 RX100M5A
Michelangelo designed the Cordonata Capitolina Staircase that leads up to the Piazza del Campidoglio on Capitoline Hill.
Four large sculptures stand at the top of the stairway. They are Castor and Pollux (the Dioscuri twins) and the Trophies of Marius. Behind them is the Palazzo Senatorio. As you walk up, the equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius gradually emerges.
Rome; July 2019
Tags: Michelangelo Cordonata staircase stairway steps Palazzo Senatorio Monte Capitolino 卡比托利欧山 Capitoline Hill Capitolium Campidoglio urban Roma 羅馬 Rome Italy 意大利 Italia Sony RX100 RX100VA RX100M5 RX100M5A
... at the top of the stairway on the left.
Two large statues of the Dioscuri twins stand at the top of the stairway that leads up to the Piazza del Campidoglio on Capitoline Hill. Most of the statue is a restoration/reconstruction dating to the 16th Century, but they include fragments found at the Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Roman Forum.
Castor and Pollux, were 'youths of Zeus' (from the Grrek, 'Dioskouroi'). They are said to be the twin sons of Zeus/Jupiter; the 'Gemini' which means twins in Latin. They are also associated with horses and horsemanship; 'horse tamers' was one of their honorifics.
The many monuments in prominent locations to Castor and Pollux that you encounter in Rome and Italy is because they are said to have helped the Roman Republic in its victory over the last King of Rome.
They were the heroic cavalry twins. They were said to have lead the cavalry at the front of the Roman army at Battle of Lake Regillus in 495 BC, and later brought news of the victory to Rome.
The statues of the Dioscuri twins that are currently here replaced those chosen by Michelangelo. Those are now at Piazza Quirinale.
Rome; July 2019
For other monuments to Castor and Pollux see:
Piazza Quirinale:
Roman Forum:
Tags: Castor 卡斯托耳 Pollux 波鲁克斯 twins Dioscuri horse tamers statue sculpture Monte Capitolino 卡比托利欧山 Capitoline Hill Capitolium Campidoglio urban Roma 羅馬 Rome Italy 意大利 Italia Sony RX100 RX100VA RX100M5 RX100M5A
A side view of of the Dioscuri statue on the right that stands at the top of the stairway leading up to Piazza del Campidoglio. These statues of Castor and Pollux are a restoration/reconstruction dating to the 16th Century, but includes fragments found at the Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Roman Forum.
Castor and Pollux, were 'youths of Zeus' (from the Grrek, 'Dioskouroi'). They are said to be the twin sons of Zeus/Jupiter; the 'Gemini' which means twins in Latin. They are also associated with horses and horsemanship; 'horse tamers' was one of their honorifics.
The many monuments in prominent locations to Castor and Pollux that you encounter in Rome and Italy is because they are said to have helped the Roman Republic in its victory over the last King of Rome.
Legends say the Dioscuri, as heroic 'cavalry twins', were at the front of the Roman army at Battle of Lake Regillus in 495 BC, and then brought news of the victory to Rome.
The statues of the Dioscuri twins that are currently here replaced those chosen by Michelangelo. Those are now at Piazza Quirinale.
Rome; July 2019
For other monuments to Castor and Pollux see:
Piazza Quirinale:
Roman Forum:
Tags: Castor 卡斯托耳 Pollux 波鲁克斯 twins Dioscuri horse tamers statue sculpture Monte Capitolino 卡比托利欧山 Capitoline Hill Capitolium Campidoglio urban Roma 羅馬 Rome Italy 意大利 Italia Sony RX100 RX100VA RX100M5 RX100M5A