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John Turner / 50 items

N 2 B 4 C 0 E Sep 30, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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A 325 "Mail" drag from back in the day. 47815"Great Western" hauls 325011+325014 (which were the two units that worked the final 1S55) and 325004 at Red Bank with 1M44 15.31 Shieldmuir - Warrington RMT on 8 April 2008.

Tags:   47815+325011:325014:325004: Red Bank

N 2 B 19 C 0 E Sep 24, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Mongolian railways 2TE116UM-023 heads north on the Bayan pass with a loaded train of coal from the mine in Baganuur - Ulaanbaatar on 24th September 2024.

Tags:   Wagons Coal Railways Railroad Railfreight Trains Train Locomotive Locomotives Mongolia Bayan pass Baganuur Baganuur mine Diesel Freight 2TE116 2TE116UM 2TE116UM-023

N 0 B 8 C 0 E Sep 27, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Chinley 27-9-24 66704 passes through Chinley on 6G89 Hindlow-Hams Hall loaded boxes. A more colourful loco would work better but the blue boxes stand out fairly well. Red ones would be better. The road to Glossop going up the hill on the right.

N 0 B 9 C 0 E Sep 27, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Chinley 27-9-24 66704 passes Chinley North Junction on 6G89 Hindlow-Hams Hall loaded boxes. Framing the loco between trees is almost impossible- a sign of how overgrown the country has become although we are told that we still haven't enough trees!

N 0 B 7 C 0 E Sep 27, 2024 F Sep 30, 2024
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Chapel Milton viaduct 27-9-24 I didn't rush across the field even though the train was imminent because the sun wasn't out. Suddenly the train appeared crossing the viaduct and definitely going too fast to stop at the signal, so he must have the road. The sun didn't appear till the loco had crossed the viaduct. 66704 approaches Chinley North Junction on 6G89 Hindlow-Hams Hall loaded boxes. There's far too many trees in shot!
