We have been up to Northern Ontario any number of times over the years and each time we take that trip up Highway 11, as we enter the town of Temagami, I note a derelict building on the South end of town and tell myself, sometime I need to stop and try to get some photos. Well on this occasion it was ‘sometime’. I dropped The Boss off in town to do some shopping while I strolled down to this building and captured a few images. The paint on the concrete building was nearly gone and the door was well past the ‘seen better days’ stage. Loved the look.- JW
Date Taken: 2021-10-13
Date PP: 2025-02-03
(c) Copyright 2025 JW Vraets
If you are interested in prints or licensing of any of my images, DM me with a brief description of what you may be looking for.
Tech Details:
Taken using a tripod-mounted Nikon D800 fitted with an AF-S Nikkor 24-120mm VR 1:4.0 lense set to 35mm, ISO100, Auto WB, Aperture Priority Mode, f/8.0, 1/60 sec. PP in free Open Source RAWTherapee from Nikon RAW/NEF source file: set final image size to be 9000px wide, crop to a 5x7 format by cropping off the left side of the frame, apply perspective correction, slightly darken image overall by setting Exposure Compensation to EV-0.38, enable Tone Mapping as well as Dynamic Range Compression at default settings, brighten overall (slightly) by setting Exposure Compensation to EV+0.30, slightly boost Contrast in L-A-B mode, use the Shadows/Highlights tool to brighten the deeper shadows at the top of the door, adjust colour balance by setting Colour Temperature to 4772K, slightly boost Vibrance, sharpen (edges only), save. PP in free Open Source GIMP: use the Curves tool to darken the bottom-most (darkest) part of the curve and then pull up the mid-tones a little, US the Contrast/Brightness tool to slightly boost contrast and brightness, sharpen, save, scale image to 6000 px wide, sharpen, save, add fine black-and-white frame, add bar and text on left, save, scale image to 3000 px wide for posting online, sharpen very slightly, save.
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