GAS coming to a pause for the moment. The Rokkors have proven reliable so far. Leica R still amazing though the newly acquired wide angle 28mm has yet to gel with the others in the system built.
Behind the starting lineup are M42 and Zuiko OM mounts. M42 seems to be too old for my liking. Might trim the collection and keep 1 or 2 lens for that special taste. Zuiko has been surprising so far. Only con is their prices which are at almost same level as the Leica R. Can only wait for years for some bargain to come and add to the collection. The fact is they are vintage which means more than 30-40 years old. Why pay so much for something that may break the next minute?
Managed to swap the 50L with Leica R 50mm f2 and 90mm f2.8 with some change left. Thought could do the same with the 24L but figure will have to wait longer. So snap up the Leica R 28mm f2.8 first while waiting for the final change with the camera body Sony 7R2. Seller insisted on selling the 28mm with the R4 body. In the end, decided to bite the bullet and embark on a backward journey of shooting with film. The thought of having to develop negatives and scan to digital is still keeping me from loading the film into the camera. Having used the Nikon FE10 before, I know what it takes and costs to walk the rest of the journey. So I decided if I have to do it, it has to be with B&W. Something I hope the film setup will give a vast difference. Since I love colours, I won’t go for the slightly pale colours from film.
Anyway, this opens up for more stuff to do in future. Time to go back to shooting and capturing memories
Tags: Olympus OM E-Zuiko 135mm f3.5
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Tags: Leica R4 Leica Summicron-R 50mm f2 ILFORD HP5 PLUS 400 135 B&W
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Developed by Triple T
Tags: Leica R4 Leica Summicron-R 50mm f2 ILFORD HP5 PLUS 400 135 B&W
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