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User / KAPPIX - Ramon / Sets / A day at the races
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Gert-Jan and me.

Tags:   KAP self portrait kappix

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Fortification built in the early 1900's as part of the "Stelling van Amsterdam", the Defence Line of Amsterdam.

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Tags:   KAP fort stelling-van-amsterdam fort-bij-krommeniedijk kappix

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The delta took a dive, the rig plummeted to frozen soil (luckily everything appeared to be OK with both rig and camera) and this bunch of branches caught the kiteline, refusing to give it back. No chance to get to this tree since the gates - 3 - were all locked. The ice was still too thin. Such a pitty.

Tried for another 10 minutes to free the line. To no avail. I gave some line to be sure the kite would fly over the canal and then I cut it. We saw the kite disappear about 800 meters to the west. I tried to recover it but didn't know how to get to the delta - it glided over the lake, covered with ice, into a cane field which appeared to be part of an island (barely visible in the upper left corner).

Back home I checked Google Earth and found out that only 50 metres from where I ceased the recovery operation there was a bridge to this island. I rushed back to the meadows, approaching it from the other side and ran through the field since it was very close to total darkness.

This 2nd attempt was successfull and saved me about € 50.

Tags:   KAP Krommeniedijk kappix

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The obligatory self portrait. Gert-Jan, my mate, on the left, me on the right.

Far enough - can't see our serious looks.

Tags:   KAP Krommeniedijk self portrait kappix

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This is a nice track for a countryside rally cross.

Tags:   KAP Krommeniedijk curvy road kappix
