After a day and a half in Venice, we got on the train and went to our room. That room was a step up from the one on the train from Munich to Venice. It had 4 beds that hung from the walls, and was pale yellow. I took one of the top beds, and after eating and exploring the train a bit, we went to bed. Thankfully there was a net on the wall above my bed where I could put my glasses for the night 8-)
One of the parts of the trip I really don't remember was going from the train station to the hotel. Anyway, finally, we were in Barcelona, the last major stop on our "tour". The hotel (the Silken Diagonal Barcelona) was modern...I don't know what you'd call the design, but there were a lot of metal shapes on the wall. We had two separate hotel rooms; this picture was taken from the room my dad and I shared. Looking over the pics I took of the area around my hotel, I realize now that I didn't really get any good ones, so this will have to do. I posted this one more for my own memory of the trip.
What's funny is that the Flickr map has this hotel marked there...but on the satellite view, it's still a construction site. Get with the times!!
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