WARNING: Short political rant ahead. Those who view Flickr as a sterile environment for photos only, devoid of opinions, are asked to click "back". I see Flickr as a friendly environment most of the time, and its users are more mature than on some of the other community sites I've frequented over the years; at least in the places where I go on the website. But since I barely use Facebook anymore, and haven't used that other journal/forum/community website actively since 2005, Flickr is often where I voice my observations and thoughts. So if you're cool with that, keep reading, and if you're not...well, I'm going to post my final Europe picture soon, so you might want to wait for that one instead of scrolling down any further.
When we got to the airport, we went to a lounge. We got a few snacks and I noticed a door leading outside, to an observation deck, but it was locked, so I went an asked an employee about it, and they told me that people aren't allowed out there anymore. Yet another instance where the fear of Osama bin Laden has frightened us into destroying the freedoms we once enjoyed. Perhaps that was his mission; to have the rest of the world restrict itself back to the dinosaur age. In any case, it's extremely stupid that we've let paranoia prevent people from taking pictures. I curse my fellow Westerners for their fear-mongering, over-reactive security policies. When we restrict our own freedoms, the terrorists win. Sure, metal detectors are fine, and I understand not using your cell phone during take-off and landing, but photography prevention? Get bent.
Anyway, I remember my family had been talking about how the Spanair flight had crashed at this airport just two weeks before we were sitting there, waiting for our own flight to leave. I noticed this 747 sitting outside, so I took a picture of it through the glass.
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