It's time to start posting pics from another trip!
As with my New York pictures, this album is for me. I'm going to post the higher-quality shots, of course, but I'm also going to post the little bits and pieces that will help to jog my memory in the future, like this shot.
Here we have a fascinating shot of the 401 passing through Hoople Creek, which I'd never heard of until today, just west of Cornwall. Let's backtrack a bit.
In early April of 2015, Ally and I were almost finished our Social Service Worker program, and were talking about making a trip to the East Coast, where I grew up. I hadn't been to Newfoundland in 8 years, and hadn't been to my grandmother's cottage in Nova Scotia for 5 years...and Ally had never been to either. We talked about flying down in June and renting a car, since I was still driving my old Honda, and I didn't trust it to make such a long journey without falling apart. At some point my mom suggested we just carpool with her, since she was making the drive to St. John's in July we did.
As with my New York and Montreal trips, I typed a trip journal on my phone, which I recommend to anyone who takes a while to post pictures after coming back from a trip. Of course, the journal itself will never see the light of day because the content is not for general audiences, but it helps me to remember details so I can better tell the story.
On the night before we left, we drove to my mom's house in Scarborough, and slept there. I got up at 5:55am, showered, ate breakfast with Ally and David, took a short video, and then got in Mom's car to leave. I set out to take videos throughout the trip, and I'm glad I did, because they added some humor and emotion.
Tags: 401 highway freeway road Ontario country rural journey road trip lines bridge overpass trucks
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Today on the way to work I swear I got stuck behind ALL the slow drivers -- the ones who leave a 2- or 3-car gap between themselves and the car ahead. That's okay if you're Sunday driving in the country. It's not okay in rush hour in the city!!! I was stuck behind one guy on the 427, then he disappeared, and then about 10km later he was putting along in front of me again! If you're not going somewhere important, get off the highway during rush hour!
I think I need to move out of the city if I ever get full-time work at my current job (which is out of the city too). I can feel the stress hormones eating away at my lifespan every time someone slow-drives in front of me during rush hour.
Anyway, back to the East Coast trip; we accidentally took the wrong exit and ended up driving through the middle of Montreal rather than around the outside of it...but traffic wasn't too bad. I took this pic as we came out from a tunnel across (or under) the river, heading further east through Quebec.
Tags: Tunnel concrete shadows road minivan truck highway light poles
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I took this picture about 40 minutes east of Quebec City, but I haven't been able to figure out where. I'd driven through Eastern Quebec a few times, though not since 2004-ish. I forgot how scenic it is, with the expansive farmland on the south, and the mountains to the north across the river.
Tags: Quebec farmland agriculture grass shrubbery silos sky country
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I originally posted this on Instagram when I took it, but I hadn't shared it to Flickr, so here it is. Ally smiling after a long day of driving, about to chow down on highway restaurant food.
We got to New Brunswick at 6:37pm (at which point it became 7:37pm), and got to the hotel in Edmundston around 7:00pm (or 8:00pm). We checked in and then drove down to the Restaurant Du Quartier, where I had the cheeseburger, of course. It was small, but tasty.
Tags: Ally woman girlfriend person female wood restaurant
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On the second day of our trip, I got up at 6:40am, got a shower, and ate breakfast in the small cafeteria downstairs. We left at 8:03am, just as the fog was starting to lift, to resume our drive through heavily-forested, sparsely-bathroomed New Brunswick. _____________
Tags: Fog mist morning truck cube van grass trees landscape
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